Releases: sitespeedio/ 2.3.1
One important fix:
- If is down or doesn't work, should still work 2.3
Probably the smallest changes in a release since ... ever! Two small fixes, however one is not backward compatible if you are using in Jenkins or another CI-tool. So make sure you check the changes before you upgrade. This was done to make it easier for the Jenkins plugin that soon will be released.
- The JUnit files when running the script is now created in a folder called junit, instead of root as it was before. WARNING: this means you need to change in Jenkins where you match the files.
- Include -V when listing supported options in command line help 2.2.3
- Bug fix: The sitespeed-sites script had wrong path to the sitespeed script (installation using Homebrew wasn't affected).
- Added the number of text assets that are missing GZIP on the summary page xml #310 and for pages #315. Add it yourself with the name requestsWithoutGZipPerPage. Will be default in 2.3.
- Fix in how to handle browser parameters to get it to work clean with Jenkins (Jenkins plugin coming up). 2.2.2
Another release from #VelocityConf!
Three fixes:
- Upgraded Browser Time version to 0.4, getting custom user measurements working again.
- Bug fix: User marks named with spaces broke the summary.xml
- Bug fix: Sites with extremely far away last modification time on an asset, could break an analyze (yes there are sites with that) 2.2.1
A quick fix with one commit, making relative paths for the script using the current dir as base. 2.2
This release focus on making easier to package. Homebrew version coming soon!
- Moved all scripts to the /bin/ folder, making it easier to package
- Cleanup all scripts to use absolute paths, making it easier to package for Homebrew
- New names: &
- now always need to have the filename of the text file containing all the URLS
- New BrowserTime version (0.3) including backEndTime & frontEndTime
- Changed default summary page to show backend & frontend time (removed redirectionTime & domInteractiveTime)
- Increased timeout for the crawler for really slow pages (now 60 seconds)
- Bug fix: The fix for removing invalid XML caharcters created by GA, sometimes broke the analyze, now fixed (#304)
Documentation will be updated later today: 2.2 BETA 1
Test release for packaging with Homebrew. 2.1.1
This is a bug release with the following fixes:
- Unable to crawl websites with GA cookie (#298, when GA uses a character that are not valid in XML).
- The used the script with sh instead of bash.
- New BrowserTime version (0.2) so you now can use Firefox 25 + the wait time before breaking a test is now 60 seconds instead of 30.
- All PhantomJS errors are now logged to a PhantomJS error log (since there is a defect in QT using Mavericks).
- URL:s using brackets didn't get the correct document size.
See for more info. 2.1
The focus for the 2.1 release has been break builds for Jenkins and Travis-CI if the timings from the Navigation Timings API (or your custom measurements) doesn't meet your limits. Read more about the new release
- Now two JUnit xml files are created; one for rules & one for timing metrics! The new names of the output files are: &
- Added an easy way of include in Travis-CI
- Made it possible to analyze a site with non signed certificates
- Output the the input parameters to the error.log so it is easy to reproduce the error
- Centralized the error logging
- Prepared for HTTP 2.0 rules & renamed the current rulesets, new names: &
- Also copy the result.xml file to the output dir for (to be able to create graphs per URL)
- Finetuned the logo
Bug fixes
- The crawler sometimes picked up URL:s linking to other content types than HTML (if you where ahref linking an image)
- The JUnit rules XSLT outputted timings metrics 2.0
Major changes
- You can now choose which data that is showed in the summary boxes (the red/yellow/green ones on the start page) and the columns on the detailed summary page.
- You can also create your own box with your own data on the summary page and your own columns and data on the detailed summary page.
- Fetch Navigation Timing API data form real browser, using Browser Time.
- New modified rule: the YSlow rule yimgnoscale doesn't work with PhantomJS. The new rule compare the image browser width and the real image width.
- The main script ( has been cleaned up & Velocity templates has been restructured.
- You can now test multiple sites and compare them using the script (you can choose what kind of data to compare).
- There are now two different rule-sets, one for desktop & one for mobile.
Minor changes
- You can now configure the limits for the rules on the summary page.
- Phone view on detailed summary page now only contains url & score to make it simpler to maintain.
- You can now see the IP of the computer running the test in the result.xml file.
- You can now set the max pages to test & the name of the test (displayed on every HTML page).
- Simplified user agent by choosing between iphone, ipad or nexus and a real agent & viewport is set.
- Output as CSV: Choose which column to output and always output ip, start url & date.
- Fix for Windows-users that is having spaces in their path to Java.
- Bug fix: URL:s that returns error (4XX-5XX and that sitespeed can't analyze) is now included in the JUnit xml.
- Bug fix: The JUnit script can now output files to a relative path.
- Bug fix: User Agent is now correctly set.