SKWebServiceController provides a barebones networking layer to interact with services returning JSON or images. Check out the SampleProject in the workspace to see some usage examples.
Instalation is supported through Cocoapods. Add the following to your pod file for the target where you would like to use SKWebServiceController:
pod 'SKWebServiceController'
Initialization requires only a base URL. All requests, except for getImages, will append the supplied endpoint information onto this base URL. The most common implementation is likely to subclass this controller and provide the baseURL. If you have multiple baseURLs, they will each require a separate WebServiceController object. The most common implementation would include a singleton to access the WebServiceController object.
import SKWebServiceController
class MyWebServiceController: WebServiceController {
static let shared = MyWebServiceController()
init() {
super.init(baseURL: "")
Optionally, a dictionary of default parameters can be passed in. These values are appended to every URL as query parameters after the endpoint.
The WebServiceController subclass will be used to perform requests. There are methods exposed that facilitate these requests. Each of these requests takes an endpoint and a RequestConfiguration
object to handle header fields and parameters. Additionally, each method returns a URLSessionDataTask object to allow the request to be cancelled midflight.
These methods are used to interact with endpoints that send and receive JSON. All requests have a JSONCompletion
object that is executed when the request is complete. The methods require a generic type to be specified for the expected type of the JSON. For instance, a GET call that returns an array would call the following:
get { (json: [Any]?, response, error) in
If the return data is expected to be a dictionary, that GET call would be written as such:
get { (json: [String: Any]?, response, error) in
This will support any type that can be output by JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:options:)
. If the call should return Data
or a UIImage
, there are separate methods to retrieve that. See Data Methods and Image Methods below. If the type is unknown or the version 1.x behavior is preferred, Any?
can be specified as the type.
Performs a delete request on the provided endpoint.
Performs a get request on the provided endpoint.
Performs a post request on the provided endpoint. This method has an optional json parameter. This object must be a valid JSON object. This will be converted to data and sent with the request.
Performs a put request on the provided endpoint. This method has an optional json parameter. This object must be a valid JSON object. This will be converted to data and sent with the request.
There is currently a single method for getting data from a URL. This method has a DataCompletion
object that is executed when the request is complete. This does not attempt to parse or format the data in any way, it simply returns whatever data is sent by the web service.
This method takes a full URL and will return any data returned by the web service without attempting to format or manipulate it in any way.
There is currently a single method for getting an image from a URL. This method has an ImageCompletion
object that is executed when the request is complete.
Unlike the other methods that take an endpoint string and build the URL dynamically, this method takes the full URL of the remote image. When the method is complete, the image or an error will be returned through the ImageCompletion
The RequestConfiguration
object allows headers and parameters to be set on a per request basis. IIf the same header appears in the RequestConfiguration and the URLSessionConfiguration object, the RequestConfiguration header takes precedence.