- Profiles
- Bots
- Inventory
- Traders
- Flea market
- Quests
- Hideout
- Presets
- Raids
- Messages
- Friend
- Events
- Modding
The player profile is stored as a JSON file, allowing for changes to persist across server restarts. The profile contains the following information for both your PMC and Scav player characters:
- Task Conditions
- Account Bonuses
- Model Selection
- Health
- Energy, Hydration, & Temperature
- Hideout Build & Production Status
- Items (Inventory, Insured, Quest, Wishlist)
- Inventory
- Quest Progress
- Flea Market Rating & Current Offers
- Common and Mastering Skills
- Various Raid Stats
- Trader Status and Loyalty Levels
- Extract Counts
- Achievements
The following profile types are available to start with when creating an account in the Launcher:
- Standard Profiles:
- Standard
- Left Behind
- Prepare To Escape
- Edge Of Darkness
- Unheard
- Custom profiles
- SPT Easy Start
- Lots of money, quality of life skills to level 20, and player to level 69.
- SPT Zero to Hero
- No money, skills, trader reputation, or items. Start with a knife.
- SPT Developer
- Developer testing profile, player to level 69, max skills, and max trader reputation.
- USEC will have all quests ready to start.
- BEAR will have all quests ready to hand in.
- SPT Easy Start
Bot data is emulated to mimic live bots as closely as possible. This includes the following bot types:
- Scavs
- Regular Scav (assault)
- Sniper Scav (marksman)
- Tagged & Cursed (cursedAssault)
- Bosses
- Reshalla (bossBully)
- Guard (followerBully)
- Glukhar (bossGluhar)
- Assault Guard (followerGluharAssault)
- Scout Guard (followerGluharScout)
- Security Guard (followerGluharSecurity)
- Sniper Guard (followerGluharSnipe)
- Killa (bossKilla)
- Shturman (bossKojainy)
- Guard (followerKojaniy)
- Sanitar (bossSanitar)
- Guard (followerSanitar)
- Tagilla (bossTagilla)
- Knight (bossKnight)
- Big Pipe (followerBigPipe)
- Bird Eye (followerBirdEye)
- Zryachiy (bossZryachiy)
- Guard (followerzryachiy)
- Kaban (bossBoar)
- Sniper Guard (bossBoarSniper)
- Guard (followerBoar)
- Kolontay (bosskolontay)
- Guard (followerkolontayassault)
- Guard (followerkolontaysecurity)
- Event bosses:
- Peacefull Zryachiy (peacefullzryachiyevent)
- Vengeful Zryachiy (ravangezryachiyevent)
- Reshalla (bossBully)
- Cultists
- Priest (sectantPriest)
- Warrior (sectantWarrior)
- Raiders (pmcBot)
- Rogues (exUsec)
- Arena fighters (arenaFighter)
- Santa (gifter) - partially implemented
PMCs are generated with a random type from a sub-set of the above list.
Some bot types are only available on some maps.
Bots are generated with the following characteristics:
- All Bots:
- Weapons - Weighted, semi-randomly selected
- Ammunition - Weighted, semi-randomly selected
- Gear - Weighted, semi-randomly selected
- Headgear Attachments - Weighted, semi-randomly selected
- Randomised durability - Based on level and bot type
- PMC Bots:
- AI Type - * Weighted, randomly chosen from sub-set of possible bot types*
- Dogtags - Random level & name
- Chance of name being the name of a contributor to the project
- Names
- Chosen from list of community members/contributors/modders
- Level - Chosen at random between Level 1 and player level + 10
- Voices - Randomly chosen Bear/USEC voices for each faction
- Weapon optics - Tied to weapon type e.g. No scopes on SMGs
- Ammo - Tied to level with more deadly ammo chosen at higher level
- Gear - Gear is tiered to progressivly improve the higher level they are
- Level-relative gear for PMCs
- Level 1- 15 Bots have lower-tier items
- Level 15- 22 Bots have access to flea gear but highly weighted to trader gear
- Level 23- 29 Bots have better access to mid-range gear
- Level 30- 50 Bots have access to high-tier gear but are slightly weighted to mid-tier
- Level 51- 100 Bots have Access to everything
- Randomisation system that picks from pool of all possible items in game to create weapon combos
- Level-relative gear for PMCs
Other bot generation systems/features include:
- Loot item blacklists & whitelists
- Loot items can be configured to be limited to a certain number based on bot type
- Randomised weapon and equipment durability based on bot type and level*
The inventory system includes the following features:
- Move, Split, and Delete Item Stacks
- Add, Modify, and Remove Item Tags
- Armor and Weapon Repair Kits
- Auto-sort Inventory
- Out-of-raid Healing, Eating, & Drinking
- Special Player Slots
The trader system includes the following features:
- Buy and sell items from each trader
- Listed items are refreshed on a timer based on the trader
- Purchase limits per refresh period
- Tracks currency spent through each trader
- Loyalty levels
- Reputation
- Item repair from Prapor, Skier, and Mechanic
- Unlock and purchase clothing from Ragman
- Insurance from Therapist and Prapor
- Chance for items to be returned, higher chance for more expensive trader
- Chance parts will be stripped from returned weapons based on value
- Post-raid Therapist Healing
- Fence Item Assortment
- Lists random items for sale
- Emulated system of 'churn' for items sold by Fence
The flea market system has been build to simulate the live flea market as closely as possible. It includes the following features:
- Simulated Player Offers
- Generated with random names, ratings, and expiry times
- Variable offer prices based on live item prices (~20% above and below)
- Weapon presets as offers
- Barter offers
- Listed in multiple currencies (Rouble, Euro, and Dollar)
- Dynamically adjust flea prices that drift below trader price
- Buy Items
- Sell Items
- Generates listing fee
- Increase flea rating by selling items
- Decrease flea rating by failing to sell items
- Items purchased by simulated players
- Offer price effects chance that item will be purchased
- Filtering
- By specific item
- By link to item
- Text search by name
- By currency
- By price range
- By condition range
- By Traders, Players, or Both
- To include barter offers (or not)
- Sorting by
- Rating
- Name
- Price
- Expiry
The quest system includes the following features:
- Accurate Quest List - roughly 90% implemented
- Trader Quests - Accept, Turn-in Items, and Complete
- Daily Quests - Accept, Replace, Turn-in Items, Complete
- Simulates Daily and Weekly Quests
- Quest Replacement Fee
- Scav daily Quests
- Trader items unlock through completion of quests
- Receive messages from traders after interacting with a quest
- Item rewards passed through messages
The hideout has the following features implemented:
- Areas
- Air Filter
- Filter Degradation
- Boosts Skill Levelling
- Bitcoin Farm
- Generation Speed Dependent on Number of Graphics Cards
- Booze Generator
- Crafts Moonshine
- Generator
- Fuel Degradation
- Heating
- Energy Regeneration
- Negative Effects Removal
- Hall of Fame
- Illumination
- Intel Centre
Unlocks Fence's Scav Questsnot implemented - workaround: unlocks at level 5- Reduces Insurance Return Time
- Quest Currency Reward Boost
- Lavatory
- Library
- Medstation
- Nutrition Unit
- Rest Space
- Scav Case
- Custom Reward System that simulates live rewards
- Security
- Shooting Range
- Solar Power
- Stash
- Upgrades give larger stash sizes
- Vents
- Water Collector
- Workbench
- Unlocks the ability to repair items
- Christmas Tree
- Air Filter
- Item Crafting
- Items are marked found-in-raid on completion
- Continues to track crafting progress even when server is not running
- Create Weapon Presets
- Create equipment loadouts
- Create magazine loadouts
- Saving Presets
- Load Presets
The in-raid systems included are as follows:
- Maps
- Customs
- Factory Day
- Factory Night
- Ground Zero (Level 1-19)
- Ground Zero (Level 20+)
- Interchange
- Laboratory
- Lighthouse
- Reserve
- Shoreline
- Streets
- Woods
- Loot
- Loot spawning has been generated using over 100,000 EFT offline loot runs.
- Static Loot (in containers)
- Each container type can contain items appropriate to that container type found in offline EFT.
- Simulated container spawn chance system, not all containers spawn every raid
- Loose Loot (on map)
- Randomised loose items found on map
- Based on loot dump data taken from many offline-raids in live EFT
- Randomised loose items found on map
- Airdrops
- Randomised Spawn Chance
- Request with Red Flare
- Crate Types:
- Weapons & Armour
- Food & Medical
- Barter Goods
- Mixed - mixture of any of the above items
- Supported Maps:
- Customs
- Interchange
- Lighthouse
- Reserve
- Shoreline
- Streets
- Woods
- Persisted Raid Damage - extracting with injuries will persist injury out of raid
- Scav Raids
- Customizable system of adjusting loot and time remaining to simulate joining an in-progress raid
- 'Traitor' scavs that will attack you to take your loot
A messaging system has been implemented to allow for the following functionality:
- Receive messages (with item attachments) from traders or "system"
- Pin/unpin senders within the message list
- Receive all (or individual) attachments
- Send messages to "Commando" friend to execute server commands
Accessible via game menu / friend list
- Responds to commands
- Give items
- Adjust player stats
- 'Gift' system
- Many hidden gift codes
The following events have been implemented and have a set time period for when they will be active:
- Weather seasons
- Halloween
- Christmas
- The Server project has been built to allow for extensive modifications to nearly any aspect and system used.
- Example mods are provided that cover the most common server modding methods.