Package changelog.
A total of 2 people contributed to this release. Thank you to the following contributors:
- Athan Reines
- Philipp Burckhardt
A total of 1 person contributed to this release. Thank you to this contributor:
- Athan Reines
No changes reported for this release.
A total of 1 person contributed to this release. Thank you to this contributor:
- Philipp Burckhardt
- refactor declarations to use generics
: refactor declarations to use generics
- fix: change default type tounknown
(by Athan Reines)14bacb3
- fix: update import path forCollection
type definition (by Athan Reines)32a2827
- fix: update import paths for complex type defs (by Athan Reines)5ab331a
- fix: fix return type (by Athan Reines)08b8c12
- feat: refactor declarations to use generics (by Athan Reines)
A total of 1 person contributed to this release. Thank you to this contributor:
- Athan Reines
No changes reported for this release.
No changes reported for this release.