xArm-Python-SDK API Documentation: class XArmAPI in module xarm.wrapper.xarm_api
Servo angles
1. If self.default_is_radian is True, the returned value is in radians
:return: [angle1(° or rad), angle2(° or rad), ..., anglen7(° or rad)]
Axis number, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
Number of command caches in the controller
The sensitivity value of collision, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
:return: 0~5
Connection status
Core layer API, set only for advanced developers, please do not use
The default unit is radians or not
Device type, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
Controller error code. See Chapter 7 of the xArm User Manual for details.
The gpio reset enable config
:return: [cgpio_reset_enable, tgpio_reset_enable]
gravity direction, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
Contorller have an error or warning or not
:return: True/False
Controller have an error or not
Controller have an warnning or not
Joint acceleration limit, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
1. If self.default_is_radian is True, the returned value is in radians
:return: [min_joint_acc(°/s^2 or rad/s^2), max_joint_acc(°/s^2 or rad/s^2)]
Joint jerk
1. If self.default_is_radian is True, the returned value is in radians
:return: jerk (°/s^3 or rad/s^3)
Joint speed limit, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
1. If self.default_is_radian is True, the returned value is in radians
:return: [min_joint_speed(°/s or rad/s), max_joint_speed(°/s or rad/s)]
Joints torque, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
:return: [joint-1, ....]
The last used servo angles, default value of parameter angle of interface set_servo_angle
1. If self.default_is_radian is True, the returned value is in radians
2. self.set_servo_angle(servo_id=1, angle=75) <==> self.set_servo_angle(angle=[75] + self.last_used_angles[1:])
3. self.set_servo_angle(servo_id=5, angle=30) <==> self.set_servo_angle(angle=self.last_used_angles[:4] + [30] + self.last_used_angles[5:])
:return: [angle1(° or rad), angle2(° or rad), ..., angle7(° or rad)]
The last used joint acceleration, default value of parameter mvacc of interface set_servo_angle
1. If self.default_is_radian is True, the returned value is in radians
:return: acceleration (°/s^2 or rad/s^2)
The last used joint speed, default value of parameter speed of interface set_servo_angle
1. If self.default_is_radian is True, the returned value is in radians
:return: speed (°/s or rad/s)
The last used cartesion position, default value of parameter x/y/z/roll/pitch/yaw of interface set_position
1. If self.default_is_radian is True, the returned value (only roll/pitch/yaw) is in radians
2. self.set_position(x=300) <==> self.set_position(x=300, *last_used_position[1:])
2. self.set_position(roll=-180) <==> self.set_position(x=self.last_used_position[:3], roll=-180, *self.last_used_position[4:])
:return: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(° or rad), pitch(° or rad), yaw(° or rad)]
The last used cartesion acceleration, default value of parameter mvacc of interface set_position/move_circle
:return: acceleration (mm/s^2)
The last used cartesion speed, default value of parameter speed of interface set_position/move_circle
:return: speed (mm/s)
Master id, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
xArm mode,only available in socket way and enable_report is True
0: position control mode
1: servo motion mode
2: joint teaching mode
3: cartesian teaching mode (invalid)
Motor brake state list, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
For a robot with a number of axes n, only the first n states are valid, and the latter are reserved.
:return: [motor-1-brake-state, ..., motor-7-brake-state, reserved]
0: enable
1: disable
Motor enable state list, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
For a robot with a number of axes n, only the first n states are valid, and the latter are reserved.
:return: [motor-1-enable-state, ..., motor-7-enable-state, reserved]
0: disable
1: enable
Cartesion position
1. If self.default_is_radian is True, the returned value (only roll/pitch/yaw) is in radians
return: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(° or rad), pitch(° or rad), yaw(° or rad)]
The real time speed of joint motion, only available if version > 1.2.11
:return: [joint-1-speed(°/s or rad/s), ...., joint-7-speed(°/s or rad/s)]
The real time speed of tcp motion, only available if version > 1.2.11
:return: real time speed (mm/s)
Slave id, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
xArm sn
xArm state
1: in motion
2: sleeping
3: suspended
4: stopping
Tcp acceleration limit, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
:return: [min_tcp_acc(mm/s^2), max_tcp_acc(mm/s^2)]
Tcp jerk
:return: jerk (mm/s^3)
xArm tcp load, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
:return: [weight, center of gravity]
such as: [weight(kg), [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm)]]
Cartesion position offset, only available in socket way and enable_report is True
1. If self.default_is_radian is True, the returned value(roll_offset/pitch_offset/yaw_offset) is in radians
:return: [x_offset(mm), y_offset(mm), z_offset(mm), roll_offset(° or rad), pitch_offset(° or rad), yaw_offset(° or rad)]
Tcp speed limit, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
:return: [min_tcp_speed(mm/s), max_tcp_speed(mm/s)]
The sensitivity value of drag and teach, only available in socket way and enable_report is True and report_type is 'rich'
:return: 1~5
Motor temperature, only available if version > 1.2.11
:return: [motor-1-temperature, ..., motor-7-temperature]
xArm version
Frimware version number
:return: (major_version_number, minor_version_number, revision_version_number)
Controller warn code. See Chapter 7 of the xArm User Manual for details.
Base coordinate offset, only available if version > 1.2.11
1. If self.default_is_radian is True, the returned value(roll_offset/pitch_offset/yaw_offset) is in radians
:return: [x_offset(mm), y_offset(mm), z_offset(mm), roll_offset(° or rad), pitch_offset(° or rad), yaw_offset(° or rad)]
The API wrapper of xArm
Note: Orientation of attitude angle
roll: rotate around the X axis
pitch: rotate around the Y axis
yaw: rotate around the Z axis
:param port: ip-address(such as '')
Note: this parameter is required if parameter do_not_open is False
:param is_radian: set the default unit is radians or not, default is False
Note: (aim of design)
1. Default value for unified interface parameters
2: Unification of the external unit system
3. For compatibility with previous interfaces
Note: the conversion of degree (°) and radians (rad)
* 1 rad == 57.29577951308232 °
* 1 ° == 0.017453292519943295 rad
* 1 rad/s == 57.29577951308232 °/s
* 1 °/s == 0.017453292519943295 rad/s
* 1 rad/s^2 == 57.29577951308232 °/s^2
* 1 °/s^2 == 0.017453292519943295 rad/s^2
* 1 rad/s^3 == 57.29577951308232 °/s^3
* 1 °/s^3 == 0.017453292519943295 rad/s^3
Note: This parameter determines the value of the property self.default_is_radian
Note: This parameter determines the default value of the interface with the is_radian/input_is_radian/return_is_radian parameter
The list of affected interfaces is as follows:
1. method: get_position
2. method: set_position
3. method: get_servo_angle
4. method: set_servo_angle
5. method: set_servo_angle_j
6. method: move_gohome
7. method: reset
8. method: set_tcp_offset
9. method: set_joint_jerk
10. method: set_joint_maxacc
11. method: get_inverse_kinematics
12. method: get_forward_kinematics
13. method: is_tcp_limit
14. method: is_joint_limit
15. method: get_params
16: method: move_arc_lines
17: method: move_circle
18: method: set_servo_cartesian
Note: This parameter determines the default return type for some interfaces (such as the position, velocity, and acceleration associated with the return angle arc).
The affected attributes are as follows:
1. property: position
2. property: last_used_position
3. property: angles
4. property: last_used_angles
5. property: last_used_joint_speed
6. property: last_used_joint_acc
7. property: tcp_offset
:param do_not_open: do not open, default is False, if true, you need to manually call the connect interface.
:param kwargs: keyword parameters, generally do not need to set
axis: number of axes, required only when using a serial port connection, default is 7
baudrate: serial baudrate, invalid, reserved.
timeout: serial timeout, invalid, reserved.
filters: serial port filters, invalid, reserved.
check_tcp_limit: check the tcp param value out of limit or not, default is True
Note: only check the param roll/pitch/yaw of the interface `set_position`/`move_arc_lines`
check_joint_limit: check the joint param value out of limit or not, default is True
Note: only check the param angle of the interface `set_servo_angle` and the param angles of the interface `set_servo_angle_j`
check_cmdnum_limit: check the cmdnum out of limit or not, default is True
Note: only available in the interface `set_position`/`set_servo_angle`/`move_circle`/`move_arc_lines`
max_cmdnum: max cmdnum, default is 256
Note: only available in the param `check_cmdnum_limit` is True
Note: only available in the interface `set_position`/`set_servo_angle`/`move_circle`/`move_arc_lines`
check_is_ready: check if the arm is in motion, default is True
Note: only available in the interface `set_position`/`set_servo_angle`/`set_servo_angle_j`/`set_servo_cartesian`/`move_circle`/`move_gohome`/`move_arc_lines`
check verification
:return: tuple((code, status)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
0: verified
other: not verified
Clean current config and restore system default settings
1. This interface will clear the current settings and restore to the original settings (system default settings)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Clean the error, need to be manually enabled motion(arm.motion_enable(True)) and set state(arm.set_state(state=0))after clean error
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Clean the gripper error
:return: code
code: See the Gripper code documentation for details.
Clean the warn
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Config the Controller GPIO reset the digital output when the robot is in stop state
:param on_off: True/False
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Config the Tool GPIO reset the digital output when the robot is in stop state
:param on_off: True/False
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Connect to xArm
:param port: port name or the ip address, default is the value when initializing an instance
:param baudrate: baudrate, only available in serial way, default is the value when initializing an instance
:param timeout: timeout, only available in serial way, default is the value when initializing an instance
:param axis: number of axes, required only when using a serial port connection, default is 7
Emergency stop (set_state(4) -> motion_enable(True) -> set_state(0))
1. This interface does not automatically clear the error. If there is an error, you need to handle it according to the error code.
Get the analog value of the specified Controller GPIO
:param ionum: 0 or 1 or None(both 0 and 1), default is None
:return: tuple((code, value or value list)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get the digital value of the specified Controller GPIO
:param ionum: 0~7 or None(both 0~7), default is None
:return: tuple((code, value or value list)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get the state of the Controller GPIO
:return: code, states
code: See the API code documentation for details.
states: [...]
states[0]: contorller gpio module state
states[0] == 0: normal
states[0] == 1:wrong
states[0] == 6:communication failure
states[1]: controller gpio module error code
states[1] == 0: normal
states[1] != 0:error code
states[2]: digital input functional gpio state
Note: digital-i-input functional gpio state = states[2] >> i & 0x01
states[3]: digital input configuring gpio state
Note: digital-i-input configuring gpio state = states[3] >> i & 0x01
states[4]: digital output functional gpio state
Note: digital-i-output functional gpio state = states[4] >> i & 0x01
states[5]: digital output configuring gpio state
Note: digital-i-output configuring gpio state = states[5] >> i & 0x01
states[6]: analog-0 input value
states[7]: analog-1 input value
states[8]: analog-0 output value
states[9]: analog-1 output value
states[10]: digital input functional info, [digital-0-input-functional-mode, ... digital-7-input-functional-mode]
states[11]: digital output functional info, [digital-0-output-functional-mode, ... digital-7-output-functional-mode]
Get the cmd count in cache
:return: tuple((code, cmd_num)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get the controller error and warn code
:param show: show the detail info if True
:param lang: show language, en/cn, degault is en, only available if show is True
:return: tuple((code, [error_code, warn_code])), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
error_code: See Chapter 7 of the xArm User Manual for details.
warn_code: See Chapter 7 of the xArm User Manual for details.
Get forward kinematics
:param angles: [angle-1, angle-2, ..., angle-n], n is the number of axes of the arm
:param input_is_radian: the param angles value is in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param return_is_radian: the returned value is in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: tuple((code, pose)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
pose: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(rad or °), pitch(rad or °), yaw(rad or °)] or []
Note: the roll/pitch/yaw value is radians if return_is_radian is True, else °
Get the gripper error code
:return: tuple((code, err_code)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
err_code: See the Gripper code documentation for details.
Get the gripper position
:return: tuple((code, pos)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the Gripper code documentation for details.
Get gripper version, only for debug
:return: (code, version)
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get harmonic type, only for debu
:return: (code, type)
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get harmonic types, only for debug
:return: (code, types)
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get inverse kinematics
:param pose: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(rad or °), pitch(rad or °), yaw(rad or °)]
Note: the roll/pitch/yaw unit is radian if input_is_radian is True, else °
:param input_is_radian: the param pose value(only roll/pitch/yaw) is in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param return_is_radian: the returned value is in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: tuple((code, angles)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
angles: [angle-1(rad or °), angle-2, ..., angle-(Number of axes)] or []
Note: the returned angle value is radians if return_is_radian is True, else °
Check xArm is moving or not
:return: True/False
Calculate the pose offset of two given points
:param pose1: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll/rx(rad or °), pitch/ry(rad or °), yaw/rz(rad or °)]
:param pose2: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll/rx(rad or °), pitch/ry(rad or °), yaw/rz(rad or °)]
:param orient_type_in: input attitude notation, 0 is RPY(roll/pitch/yaw) (default), 1 is axis angle(rx/ry/rz)
:param orient_type_out: notation of output attitude, 0 is RPY (default), 1 is axis angle
:param is_radian: the roll/rx/pitch/ry/yaw/rz of pose1/pose2/return_pose is radian or not
:return: tuple((code, pose)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
pose: [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll/rx(rad or °), pitch/ry(rad or °), yaw/rz(rad or °)]
Get the cartesian position
1. If the value(roll/pitch/yaw) you want to return is an radian unit, please set the parameter is_radian to True
ex: code, pos = arm.get_position(is_radian=True)
:param is_radian: the returned value (only roll/pitch/yaw) is in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: tuple((code, [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw])), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get the pose represented by the axis angle pose
:param is_radian: the returned value (only rx/ry/rz) is in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: tuple((code, [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz])), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get reduced mode
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
:return: tuple((code, mode))
code: See the API code documentation for details.
mode: 0 or 1, 1 means that the reduced mode is turned on. 0 means that the reduced mode is not turned on
Get states of the reduced mode
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
:param is_radian: the max_joint_speed of the states is in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: tuple((code, states))
code: See the API code documentation for details.
states: [....]
if version > 1.2.11:
states: [
[reduced_x_max, reduced_x_min, reduced_y_max, reduced_y_min, reduced_z_max, reduced_z_min],
joint_ranges([joint-1-min, joint-1-max, ..., joint-7-min, joint-7-max]),
if version <= 1.2.11:
states: [
[reduced_x_max, reduced_x_min, reduced_y_max, reduced_y_min, reduced_z_max, reduced_z_min],
Get the xArm sn
:return: tuple((code, sn)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get the servo angle
1. If the value you want to return is an radian unit, please set the parameter is_radian to True
ex: code, angles = arm.get_servo_angle(is_radian=True)
2. If you want to return only the angle of a single joint, please set the parameter servo_id
ex: code, angle = arm.get_servo_angle(servo_id=2)
3. This interface is only used in the base coordinate system.
:param servo_id: 1-(Number of axes), None(8), default is None
:param is_radian: the returned value is in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: tuple((code, angle list if servo_id is None or 8 else angle)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get the servo debug msg, used only for debugging
:param show: show the detail info if True
:param lang: language, en/cn, default is en
:return: tuple((code, servo_info_list)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get servo version, only for debug
:param servo_id: servo id(1~7)
:return: (code, version)
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get state
:return: tuple((code, state)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
1: in motion
2: sleeping
3: suspended
4: stopping
Get the analog value of the specified Tool GPIO
:param ionum: 0 or 1 or None(both 0 and 1), default is None
:return: tuple((code, value or value list)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get the digital value of the specified Tool GPIO
:param ionum: 0 or 1 or None(both 0 and 1), default is None
:return: tuple((code, value or value list)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Get tool gpio version, only for debug
:return: (code, version)
code: See the API code documentation for details.
get the trajectories
1. This interface relies on xArmStudio 1.2.0 or above
2. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
:return: tuple((code, trajectories))
code: See the API code documentation for details.
trajectories: [{
'name': name, # The name of the trajectory
'duration': duration, # The duration of the trajectory (seconds)
Get trajectory read/write status
:return: (code, status)
code: See the API code documentation for details.
0: no read/write
1: loading
2: load success
3: load failed
4: saving
5: save success
6: save failed
Get vacuum gripper state
:return: tuple((code, state)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
state: suction cup state
0: suction cup is off
1: suction cup is on
Get the xArm firmware version
:return: tuple((code, version)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Check the joint angle is in limit
:param joint: [angle-1, angle-2, ..., angle-n], n is the number of axes of the arm
:param is_radian: angle value is radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: tuple((code, limit)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
limit: True/False/None, limit or not, or failed
Check the tcp pose is in limit
:param pose: [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw]
:param is_radian: roll/pitch/yaw value is radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: tuple((code, limit)), only when code is 0, the returned result is correct.
code: See the API code documentation for details.
limit: True/False/None, limit or not, or failed
Load the trajectory
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
:param filename: The name of the trajectory to load
:param wait: Whether to wait for loading, default is True
:param timeout: Timeout waiting for loading to complete
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Motion enable
:param enable:True/False
:param servo_id: 1-(Number of axes), None(8)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
def move_arc_lines(self, paths, is_radian=None, times=1, first_pause_time=0.1, repeat_pause_time=0, automatic_calibration=True, speed=None, mvacc=None, mvtime=None, wait=False):
Continuous linear motion with interpolation.
1. If an error occurs, it will return early.
2. If the emergency_stop interface is called actively, it will return early.
3. The last_used_position/last_used_tcp_speed/last_used_tcp_acc will be modified.
4. The last_used_angles/last_used_joint_speed/last_used_joint_acc will not be modified.
:param paths: cartesian path list
1. Specify arc radius: [[x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw, radius], ....]
2. Do not specify arc radius (radius=0): [[x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw], ....]
3. If you want to plan the continuous motion,set radius>0.
:param is_radian: roll/pitch/yaw of paths are in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param times: repeat times, 0 is infinite loop, default is 1
:param first_pause_time: sleep time at first, purpose is to cache the commands and plan continuous motion, default is 0.1s
:param repeat_pause_time: interval between repeated movements, unit: (s)second
:param automatic_calibration: automatic calibration or not, default is True
:param speed: move speed (mm/s, rad/s), default is self.last_used_tcp_speed
:param mvacc: move acceleration (mm/s^2, rad/s^2), default is self.last_used_tcp_acc
:param mvtime: 0, reserved
:param wait: whether to wait for the arm to complete, default is False
def move_circle(self, pose1, pose2, percent, speed=None, mvacc=None, mvtime=None, is_radian=None, wait=False, timeout=None, **kwargs):
The motion calculates the trajectory of the space circle according to the three-point coordinates.
The three-point coordinates are (current starting point, pose1, pose2).
:param pose1: cartesian position, [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(rad or °), pitch(rad or °), yaw(rad or °)]
:param pose2: cartesian position, [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(rad or °), pitch(rad or °), yaw(rad or °)]
:param percent: the percentage of arc length and circumference of the movement
:param speed: move speed (mm/s, rad/s), default is self.last_used_tcp_speed
:param mvacc: move acceleration (mm/s^2, rad/s^2), default is self.last_used_tcp_acc
:param mvtime: 0, reserved
:param is_radian: roll/pitch/yaw value is radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param wait: whether to wait for the arm to complete, default is False
:param timeout: maximum waiting time(unit: second), default is None(no timeout), only valid if wait is True
:param kwargs: reserved
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
code < 0: the last_used_tcp_speed/last_used_tcp_acc will not be modified
code >= 0: the last_used_tcp_speed/last_used_tcp_acc will be modified
def move_gohome(self, speed=None, mvacc=None, mvtime=None, is_radian=None, wait=False, timeout=None):
Move to go home (Back to zero), the API will modify self.last_used_position and self.last_used_angles value
Warnning: without limit detection
1. The API will change self.last_used_position value into [201.5, 0, 140.5, -180, 0, 0]
2. The API will change self.last_used_angles value into [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
3. If you want to wait for the robot to complete this action and then return, please set the parameter wait to True.
ex: code = arm.move_gohome(wait=True)
4. This interface does not modify the value of last_used_angles/last_used_joint_speed/last_used_joint_acc
:param speed: gohome speed (unit: rad/s if is_radian is True else °/s), default is 50 °/s
:param mvacc: gohome acceleration (unit: rad/s^2 if is_radian is True else °/s^2), default is 5000 °/s^2
:param mvtime: reserved
:param is_radian: the speed and acceleration are in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param wait: whether to wait for the arm to complete, default is False
:param timeout: maximum waiting time(unit: second), default is None(no timeout), only valid if wait is True
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Playback trajectory
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
:param times: Number of playbacks,
1. Only valid when the current position of the arm is the end position of the track, otherwise it will only be played once.
:param filename: The name of the trajectory to play back
1. If filename is None, you need to manually call the `load_trajectory` to load the trajectory.
:param wait: whether to wait for the arm to complete, default is False
:param double_speed: double speed, only support 1/2/4, default is 1, only available if version > 1.2.11
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Register the cmdnum changed callback, only available if enable_report is True
:param callback:
callback data:
"cmdnum": cmdnum
:return: True/False
Register the connect status changed callback
:param callback:
callback data:
"connected": connected,
"reported": reported,
:return: True/False
Register the counter value changed callback, only available if enable_report is True
:param callback:
callback data:
"count": counter value
:return: True/False
Register the error code or warn code changed callback, only available if enable_report is True
:param callback:
callback data:
"error_code": error_code,
"warn_code": warn_code,
:return: True/False
Register the mode changed callback, only available if enable_report is True and the connect way is socket
:param callback:
callback data:
"mode": mode,
:return: True/False
Register the motor enable states or motor brake states changed callback, only available if enable_report is True and the connect way is socket
:param callback:
callback data:
"mtable": [motor-1-motion-enable, motor-2-motion-enable, ...],
"mtbrake": [motor-1-brake-enable, motor-1-brake-enable,...],
:return: True/False
def register_report_callback(self, callback=None, report_cartesian=True, report_joints=True, report_state=True, report_error_code=True, report_warn_code=True, report_mtable=True, report_mtbrake=True, report_cmd_num=True):
Register the report callback, only available if enable_report is True
:param callback:
callback data:
'cartesian': [], # if report_cartesian is True
'joints': [], # if report_joints is True
'error_code': 0, # if report_error_code is True
'warn_code': 0, # if report_warn_code is True
'state': state, # if report_state is True
'mtbrake': mtbrake, # if report_mtbrake is True, and available if enable_report is True and the connect way is socket
'mtable': mtable, # if report_mtable is True, and available if enable_report is True and the connect way is socket
'cmdnum': cmdnum, # if report_cmd_num is True
:param report_cartesian: report cartesian or not, default is True
:param report_joints: report joints or not, default is True
:param report_state: report state or not, default is True
:param report_error_code: report error or not, default is True
:param report_warn_code: report warn or not, default is True
:param report_mtable: report motor enable states or not, default is True
:param report_mtbrake: report motor brake states or not, default is True
:param report_cmd_num: report cmdnum or not, default is True
:return: True/False
def register_report_location_callback(self, callback=None, report_cartesian=True, report_joints=True):
Register the report location callback, only available if enable_report is True
:param callback:
callback data:
"cartesian": [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw], ## if report_cartesian is True
"joints": [angle-1, angle-2, angle-3, angle-4, angle-5, angle-6, angle-7], ## if report_joints is True
:param report_cartesian: report or not, True/False, default is True
:param report_joints: report or not, True/False, default is True
:return: True/False
Register the state status changed callback, only available if enable_report is True
:param callback:
callback data:
"state": state,
:return: True/False
Register the temperature changed callback, only available if enable_report is True
:param callback:
callback data:
"temperatures": [servo-1-temperature, ...., servo-7-temperature]
:return: True/False
Release the cmdnum changed callback
:param callback:
:return: True/False
Release the connect changed callback
:param callback:
:return: True/False
Release the counter value changed callback
:param callback:
:return: True/False
Release the error warn changed callback
:param callback:
:return: True/False
Release the mode changed callback
:param callback:
:return: True/False
Release the motor enable states or motor brake states changed callback
:param callback:
:return: True/False
Release the report callback
:param callback:
:return: True/False
Release the location report callback
:param callback:
:return: True/False
Release the state changed callback
:param callback:
:return: True/False
Release the temperature changed callback
:param callback:
:return: True/False
Reset the xArm
Warnning: without limit detection
1. The API will change self.last_used_position value into [201.5, 0, 140.5, -180, 0, 0]
2. The API will change self.last_used_angles value into [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
3. If there are errors or warnings, this interface will clear the warnings and errors.
4. If not ready, the api will auto enable motion and set state
5. This interface does not modify the value of last_used_angles/last_used_joint_speed/last_used_joint_acc
:param speed: reset speed (unit: rad/s if is_radian is True else °/s), default is 50 °/s
:param mvacc: reset acceleration (unit: rad/s^2 if is_radian is True else °/s^2), default is 5000 °/s^2
:param mvtime: reserved
:param is_radian: the speed and acceleration are in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param wait: whether to wait for the arm to complete, default is False
:param timeout: maximum waiting time(unit: second), default is None(no timeout), only valid if wait is True
Run the app generated by xArmStudio software
:param path: app path
Run the gcode file
:param path: gcode file path
Save config
1. This interface can record the current settings and will not be lost after the restart.
2. The clean_conf interface can restore system default settings
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Save the trajectory you just recorded
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
:param filename: The name to save
1. Only strings consisting of English or numbers are supported, and the length is no more than 50.
2. The trajectory is saved in the controller box.
3. This action will overwrite the trajectory with the same name
4. Empty the trajectory in memory after saving, so repeated calls will cause the recorded trajectory to be covered by an empty trajectory.
:param wait: Whether to wait for saving, default is True
:param timeout: Timeout waiting for saving to complete
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Send cmd and wait (only waiting the cmd response, not waiting for the movement)
1. Some command depends on self.default_is_radian
:param command:
'G1': 'set_position(MoveLine): G1 X{x} Y{y} Z{z} A{roll} B{pitch} C{yaw} F{speed} Q{acc} T{mvtime}'
'G2': 'move_circle: G2 X{x1} Y{y1} Z{z1} A{roll1} B{pitch1} C{yaw1} I{x2} J{y2} K{z2} L{roll2} M{pitch2} N{yaw2} F{speed} Q{acc} T{mvtime}'
'G4': 'set_pause_time: G4 T{second}'
'G7': 'set_servo_angle: G7 I{servo_1} J{servo_2} K{servo_3} L{servo_4} M{servo_5} N{servo_6} O{servo_7} F{speed} Q{acc} T{mvtime}'
'G8': 'move_gohome: G8 F{speed} Q{acc} T{mvtime}'
'G9': 'set_position(MoveArcLine): G9 X{x} Y{y} Z{z} A{roll} B{pitch} C{yaw} R{radius} F{speed} Q{acc} T{mvtime}'
'G11': 'set_servo_angle_j: G11 I{servo_1} J{servo_2} K{servo_3} L{servo_4} M{servo_5} N{servo_6} O{servo_7} F{speed} Q{acc} T{mvtime}'
'H1': 'get_version: H1'
'H11': 'motion_enable: H11 I{servo_id} V{enable}'
'H12': 'set_state: H12 V{state}'
'H13': 'get_state: H13'
'H14': 'get_cmdnum: H14'
'H15': 'get_err_warn_code: H15'
'H16': 'clean_error: H16'
'H17': 'clean_warn: H17'
'H18': 'set_servo_attach/set_servo_detach: H18 I{servo_id} V{1: enable(detach), 0: disable(attach)}'
'H19': 'set_mode: H19 V{mode}'
'H31': 'set_tcp_jerk: H31 V{jerk(mm/s^3)}'
'H32': 'set_tcp_maxacc: H32 V{maxacc(mm/s^2)}'
'H33': 'set_joint_jerk: H33 V{jerk(°/s^3 or rad/s^3)}'
'H34': 'set_joint_maxacc: H34 {maxacc(°/s^2 or rad/s^2)}'
'H35': 'set_tcp_offset: H35 X{x} Y{y} Z{z} A{roll} B{pitch} C{yaw}'
'H36': 'set_tcp_load: H36 I{weight} J{center_x} K{center_y} L{center_z}'
'H37': 'set_collision_sensitivity: H37 V{sensitivity}'
'H38': 'set_teach_sensitivity: H38 V{sensitivity}'
'H39': 'clean_conf: H39'
'H40': 'save_conf: H40'
'H41': 'get_position: H41'
'H42': 'get_servo_angle: H42'
'H43': 'get_inverse_kinematics: H43 X{x} Y{y} Z{z} A{roll} B{pitch} C{yaw}'
'H44': 'get_forward_kinematics: H44 I{servo_1} J{servo_2} K{servo_3} L{servo_4} M{servo_5} N{servo_6} O{servo_7}'
'H45': 'is_joint_limit: H45 I{servo_1} J{servo_2} K{servo_3} L{servo_4} M{servo_5} N{servo_6} O{servo_7}'
'H46': 'is_tcp_limit: H46 X{x} Y{y} Z{z} A{roll} B{pitch} C{yaw}'
'H51': 'set_gravity_direction: H51 X{x} Y{y} Z{z}'
'H106': 'get_servo_debug_msg: H106'
'M116': 'set_gripper_enable: M116 V{enable}'
'M117': 'set_gripper_mode: M117 V{mode}'
'M119': 'get_gripper_position: M119'
'M120': 'set_gripper_position: M120 V{pos}'
'M121': 'set_gripper_speed: M116 V{speed}'
'M125': 'get_gripper_err_code: M125'
'M126': 'clean_gripper_error: M126'
'M131': 'get_tgpio_digital: M131'
'M132': 'set_tgpio_digital: M132 I{ionum} V{value}'
'M133': 'get_tgpio_analog, default ionum=0: M133 I{ionum=0}'
'M134': 'get_tgpio_analog, default ionum=1: M134 I{ionum=1}'
'C131': 'get_cgpio_digital: C131'
'C132': 'get_cgpio_analog, default ionum=0: C132 I{ionum=0}'
'C133': 'get_cgpio_analog, default ionum=1: C133 I{ionum=1}'
'C134': 'set_cgpio_digital: C134 I{ionum} V{value}'
'C135': 'set_cgpio_analog, default ionum=0: C135 I{ionum=0} V{value}'
'C136': 'set_cgpio_analog, default ionum=1: C136 I{ionum=1} V{value}'
'C137': 'set_cgpio_digital_input_function: C137 I{ionum} V{fun}'
'C138': 'set_cgpio_digital_output_function: C138 I{ionum} V{fun}'
'C139': 'get_cgpio_state: C139'
:return: code or tuple((code, ...))
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the analog value of the specified Controller GPIO
:param ionum: 0 or 1
:param value: value
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the digital value of the specified Controller GPIO
:param ionum: 0~7
:param value: value
:param delay_sec: delay effective time from the current start, in seconds, default is None(effective immediately)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the digital input functional mode of the Controller GPIO
:param ionum: 0~7
:param fun: functional mode
0: general input
1: external emergency stop
2: reversed, protection reset
3: reversed, reduced mode
4: reversed, operating mode
5: reversed, three-state switching signal
11: offline task
12: teaching mode
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the digital output functional mode of the specified Controller GPIO
:param ionum: 0~7
:param fun: functionnal mode
0: general output
1: emergency stop
2: in motion
11: has error
12: has warn
13: in collision
14: in teaching
15: in offline task
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the digital value of the specified Controller GPIO when the robot has reached the specified xyz position
:param ionum: 0 ~ 7
:param value: value
:param xyz: position xyz, as [x, y, z]
:param fault_tolerance_radius: fault tolerance radius
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the collision rebound,turn on/off collision rebound
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.11 or above
:param on: True/False
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the sensitivity of collision
1. Do not use if not required
2. If not saved, it will be lost after reboot
3. The save_conf interface can record the current settings and will not be lost after the restart.
4. The clean_conf interface can restore system default settings
:param value: sensitivity value, 0~5
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set counter plus value, only support plus 1
:param val: reversed
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Reset counter value
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the fence mode,turn on/off fense mode
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.11 or above
:param on: True/False
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the direction of gravity
1. Do not use if not required
2. If not saved, it will be lost after reboot
3. The save_conf interface can record the current settings and will not be lost after the restart.
4. The clean_conf interface can restore system default settings
:param direction: direction of gravity, such as [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm)]
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the gripper enable
:param enable: enable or not
Note: such as code = arm.set_gripper_enable(True) #turn on the Gripper
:return: code
code: See the Gripper code documentation for details.
Set the gripper mode
:param mode: 0: location mode
Note: such as code = rm.set_gripper_mode(0)
:return: code
code: See the Gripper code documentation for details.
def set_gripper_position(self, pos, wait=False, speed=None, auto_enable=False, timeout=None, **kwargs):
Set the gripper position
:param pos: pos
:param wait: wait or not, default is False
:param speed: speed,unit:r/min
:param auto_enable: auto enable or not, default is False
:param timeout: wait time, unit:second, default is 10s
:return: code
code: See the Gripper code documentation for details.
Set the gripper speed
:param speed:
:return: code
code: See the Gripper code documentation for details.
Set the jerk of Joint space
1. Do not use if not required
2. If not saved, it will be lost after reboot
3. The save_conf interface can record the current settings and will not be lost after the restart.
4. The clean_conf interface can restore system default settings
:param jerk: jerk (°/s^3 or rad/s^3)
:param is_radian: the jerk in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the max acceleration of Joint space
1. Do not use if not required
2. If not saved, it will be lost after reboot
3. The save_conf interface can record the current settings and will not be lost after the restart.
4. The clean_conf interface can restore system default settings
:param acc: max acceleration (°/s^2 or rad/s^2)
:param is_radian: the jerk in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the xArm mode
:param mode: default is 0
0: position control mode
1: servo motion mode
Note: the use of the set_servo_angle_j interface must first be set to this mode
Note: the use of the set_servo_cartesian interface must first be set to this mode
2: joint teaching mode
Note: use this mode to ensure that the arm has been identified and the control box and arm used for identification are one-to-one.
3: cartesian teaching mode (invalid)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the mount direction
1. Do not use if not required
2. If not saved, it will be lost after reboot
3. The save_conf interface can record the current settings and will not be lost after the restart.
4. The clean_conf interface can restore system default settings
:param base_tilt_deg: tilt degree
:param rotation_deg: rotation degree
:param is_radian: the base_tilt_deg/rotation_deg in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the arm pause time, xArm will pause sltime second
:param sltime: sleep time,unit:(s)second
:param wait: wait or not, default is False
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
def set_position(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, roll=None, pitch=None, yaw=None, radius=None, speed=None, mvacc=None, mvtime=None, relative=False, is_radian=None, wait=False, timeout=None, **kwargs):
Set the cartesian position, the API will modify self.last_used_position value
1. If it is xArm5, ensure that the current robotic arm has a roll value of 180° or π rad and has a roll value of 0 before calling this interface.
2. If it is xArm5, roll must be set to 180° or π rad, pitch must be set to 0
3. If the parameter(roll/pitch/yaw) you are passing is an radian unit, be sure to set the parameter is_radian to True.
ex: code = arm.set_position(x=300, y=0, z=200, roll=-3.14, pitch=0, yaw=0, is_radian=True)
4. If you want to wait for the robot to complete this action and then return, please set the parameter wait to True.
ex: code = arm.set_position(x=300, y=0, z=200, roll=180, pitch=0, yaw=0, is_radian=False, wait=True)
5. This interface is only used in the base coordinate system.
:param x: cartesian position x, (unit: mm), default is self.last_used_position[0]
:param y: cartesian position y, (unit: mm), default is self.last_used_position[1]
:param z: cartesian position z, (unit: mm), default is self.last_used_position[2]
:param roll: rotate around the X axis, (unit: rad if is_radian is True else °), default is self.last_used_position[3]
:param pitch: rotate around the Y axis, (unit: rad if is_radian is True else °), default is self.last_used_position[4]
:param yaw: rotate around the Z axis, (unit: rad if is_radian is True else °), default is self.last_used_position[5]
:param radius: move radius, if radius is None or radius less than 0, will MoveLine, else MoveArcLine
MoveLine: Linear motion
ex: code = arm.set_position(..., radius=None)
MoveArcLine: Linear arc motion with interpolation
ex: code = arm.set_position(..., radius=0)
Note: Need to set radius>=0
:param speed: move speed (mm/s, rad/s), default is self.last_used_tcp_speed
:param mvacc: move acceleration (mm/s^2, rad/s^2), default is self.last_used_tcp_acc
:param mvtime: 0, reserved
:param relative: relative move or not
:param is_radian: the roll/pitch/yaw in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param wait: whether to wait for the arm to complete, default is False
:param timeout: maximum waiting time(unit: second), default is None(no timeout), only valid if wait is True
:param kwargs: reserved
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
code < 0: the last_used_position/last_used_tcp_speed/last_used_tcp_acc will not be modified
code >= 0: the last_used_position/last_used_tcp_speed/last_used_tcp_acc will be modified
def set_position_aa(self, axis_angle_pose, speed=None, mvacc=None, mvtime=None, is_radian=None, is_tool_coord=False, relative=False, wait=False, timeout=None, **kwargs):
Set the pose represented by the axis angle pose
:param axis_angle_pose: the axis angle pose, [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), rx(rad or °), ry(rad or °), rz(rad or °)]
:param speed: move speed (mm/s, rad/s), default is self.last_used_tcp_speed
:param mvacc: move acceleration (mm/s^2, rad/s^2), default is self.last_used_tcp_acc
:param mvtime: 0, reserved
:param is_radian: the rx/ry/rz of axis_angle_pose in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param is_tool_coord: is tool coordinate or not
:param relative: relative move or not
:param wait: whether to wait for the arm to complete, default is False
:param timeout: maximum waiting time(unit: second), default is None(no timeout), only valid if wait is True
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the joint range of the reduced mode
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.11 or above
2. Only reset the reduced mode to take effect (`set_reduced_mode(True)`)
:param joint_range: [joint-1-min, joint-1-max, ..., joint-7-min, joint-7-max]
:param is_radian: the param joint_range are in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
Set the maximum joint speed of the reduced mode
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
2. Only reset the reduced mode to take effect (`set_reduced_mode(True)`)
:param speed: speed (°/s or rad/s)
:param is_radian: the speed is in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the maximum tcp speed of the reduced mode
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
2. Only reset the reduced mode to take effect (`set_reduced_mode(True)`)
:param speed: speed (mm/s)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Turn on/off reduced mode
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
:param on: True/False
such as:Turn on the reduced mode : code=arm.set_reduced_mode(True)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the boundary of the safety boundary mode
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
2. Only reset the reduced mode to take effect (`set_reduced_mode(True)`)
:param boundary: [x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min, z_max, z_min]
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
def set_servo_angle(self, servo_id=None, angle=None, speed=None, mvacc=None, mvtime=None, relative=False, is_radian=None, wait=False, timeout=None, **kwargs):
Set the servo angle, the API will modify self.last_used_angles value
1. If the parameter angle you are passing is an radian unit, be sure to set the parameter is_radian to True.
ex: code = arm.set_servo_angle(servo_id=1, angle=1.57, is_radian=True)
2. If you want to wait for the robot to complete this action and then return, please set the parameter wait to True.
ex: code = arm.set_servo_angle(servo_id=1, angle=45, is_radian=False,wait=True)
3. This interface is only used in the base coordinate system.
:param servo_id: 1-(Number of axes), None(8)
1. 1-(Number of axes) indicates the corresponding joint, the parameter angle should be a numeric value
ex: code = arm.set_servo_angle(servo_id=1, angle=45, is_radian=False)
2. None(8) means all joints, default is None, the parameter angle should be a list of values whose length is the number of joints
ex: code = arm.set_servo_angle(angle=[30, -45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], is_radian=False)
:param angle: angle or angle list, (unit: rad if is_radian is True else °)
1. If servo_id is 1-(Number of axes), angle should be a numeric value
ex: code = arm.set_servo_angle(servo_id=1, angle=45, is_radian=False)
2. If servo_id is None or 8, angle should be a list of values whose length is the number of joints
like [axis-1, axis-2, axis-3, axis-3, axis-4, axis-5, axis-6, axis-7]
ex: code = arm.set_servo_angle(angle=[30, -45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], is_radian=False)
:param speed: move speed (unit: rad/s if is_radian is True else °/s), default is self.last_used_joint_speed
:param mvacc: move acceleration (unit: rad/s^2 if is_radian is True else °/s^2), default is self.last_used_joint_acc
:param mvtime: 0, reserved
:param relative: relative move or not
:param is_radian: the angle in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param wait: whether to wait for the arm to complete, default is False
:param timeout: maximum waiting time(unit: second), default is None(no timeout), only valid if wait is True
:param kwargs: reserved
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
code < 0: the last_used_angles/last_used_joint_speed/last_used_joint_acc will not be modified
code >= 0: the last_used_angles/last_used_joint_speed/last_used_joint_acc will be modified
Set the servo angle, execute only the last instruction, need to be set to servo motion mode(self.set_mode(1))
1. This interface does not modify the value of last_used_angles/last_used_joint_speed/last_used_joint_acc
2. This interface is only used in the base coordinate system.
:param angles: angle list, (unit: rad if is_radian is True else °)
:param speed: speed, reserved
:param mvacc: acceleration, reserved
:param mvtime: 0, reserved
:param is_radian: the angles in radians or not, defalut is self.default_is_radian
:param kwargs: reserved
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Attach the servo
:param servo_id: 1-(Number of axes), 8, if servo_id is 8, will attach all servo
1. 1-(Number of axes): attach only one joint
ex: arm.set_servo_attach(servo_id=1)
2: 8: attach all joints
ex: arm.set_servo_attach(servo_id=8)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
def set_servo_cartesian(self, mvpose, speed=None, mvacc=None, mvtime=0, is_radian=None, is_tool_coord=False, **kwargs):
Set the servo cartesian, execute only the last instruction, need to be set to servo motion mode(self.set_mode(1))
1. only available if firmware_version >= 1.4.0
2. This interface is only used in the base coordinate system.
:param mvpose: cartesian position, [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), roll(rad or °), pitch(rad or °), yaw(rad or °)]
:param speed: move speed (mm/s), reserved
:param mvacc: move acceleration (mm/s^2), reserved
:param mvtime: 0, reserved
:param is_radian: the roll/pitch/yaw of mvpose in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param is_tool_coord: is tool coordinate or not
:param kwargs: reserved
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
def set_servo_cartesian_aa(self, axis_angle_pose, speed=None, mvacc=None, is_radian=None, is_tool_coord=False, relative=False, **kwargs):
Set the servo cartesian represented by the axis angle pose, execute only the last instruction, need to be set to servo motion mode(self.set_mode(1))
1. only available if firmware_version >= 1.4.7
:param axis_angle_pose: the axis angle pose, [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm), rx(rad or °), ry(rad or °), rz(rad or °)]
:param speed: move speed (mm/s), reserved
:param mvacc: move acceleration (mm/s^2), reserved
:param is_radian: the rx/ry/rz of axis_angle_pose in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param is_tool_coord: is tool coordinate or not
:param relative: relative move or not
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Detach the servo, be sure to do protective work before unlocking to avoid injury or damage.
:param servo_id: 1-(Number of axes), 8, if servo_id is 8, will detach all servo
1. 1-(Number of axes): detach only one joint
ex: arm.set_servo_detach(servo_id=1)
2: 8: detach all joints, please
ex: arm.set_servo_detach(servo_id=8)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the xArm state
:param state: default is 0
0: sport state
3: pause state
4: stop state
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the translational jerk of Cartesian space
1. Do not use if not required
2. If not saved, it will be lost after reboot
3. The save_conf interface can record the current settings and will not be lost after the restart.
4. The clean_conf interface can restore system default settings
:param jerk: jerk (mm/s^3)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the end load of xArm
1. Do not use if not required
2. If not saved, it will be lost after reboot
3. The save_conf interface can record the current settings and will not be lost after the restart.
4. The clean_conf interface can restore system default settings
:param weight: load weight (unit: kg)
:param center_of_gravity: load center of gravity, such as [x(mm), y(mm), z(mm)]
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the max translational acceleration of Cartesian space
1. Do not use if not required
2. If not saved, it will be lost after reboot
3. The save_conf interface can record the current settings and will not be lost after the restart.
4. The clean_conf interface can restore system default settings
:param acc: max acceleration (mm/s^2)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the tool coordinate system offset at the end
1. Do not use if not required
2. If not saved and you want to revert to the last saved value, please reset the offset by set_tcp_offset([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
3. If not saved, it will be lost after reboot
4. The save_conf interface can record the current settings and will not be lost after the restart.
5. The clean_conf interface can restore system default settings
:param offset: [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw]
:param is_radian: the roll/pitch/yaw in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the sensitivity of drag and teach
1. Do not use if not required
2. If not saved, it will be lost after reboot
3. The save_conf interface can record the current settings and will not be lost after the restart.
4. The clean_conf interface can restore system default settings
:param value: sensitivity value, 1~5
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the digital value of the specified Tool GPIO
:param ionum: 0 or 1
:param value: value
:param delay_sec: delay effective time from the current start, in seconds, default is None(effective immediately)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the digital value of the specified Tool GPIO when the robot has reached the specified xyz position
:param ionum: 0 or 1
:param value: value
:param xyz: position xyz, as [x, y, z]
:param fault_tolerance_radius: fault tolerance radius
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
def set_tool_position(self, x=0, y=0, z=0, roll=0, pitch=0, yaw=0, speed=None, mvacc=None, mvtime=None, is_radian=None, wait=False, timeout=None, **kwargs):
Movement relative to the tool coordinate system
1. This interface is moving relative to the current tool coordinate system
2. The tool coordinate system is not fixed and varies with position.
3. This interface is only used in the tool coordinate system.
:param x: the x coordinate relative to the current tool coordinate system, (unit: mm), default is 0
:param y: the y coordinate relative to the current tool coordinate system, (unit: mm), default is 0
:param z: the z coordinate relative to the current tool coordinate system, (unit: mm), default is 0
:param roll: the rotate around the X axis relative to the current tool coordinate system, (unit: rad if is_radian is True else °), default is 0
:param pitch: the rotate around the Y axis relative to the current tool coordinate system, (unit: rad if is_radian is True else °), default is 0
:param yaw: the rotate around the Z axis relative to the current tool coordinate system, (unit: rad if is_radian is True else °), default is 0
:param speed: move speed (mm/s, rad/s), default is self.last_used_tcp_speed
:param mvacc: move acceleration (mm/s^2, rad/s^2), default is self.last_used_tcp_acc
:param mvtime: 0, reserved
:param is_radian: the roll/pitch/yaw in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:param wait: whether to wait for the arm to complete, default is False
:param timeout: maximum waiting time(unit: second), default is None(no timeout), only valid if wait is True
:param kwargs: reserved
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
code < 0: the last_used_tcp_speed/last_used_tcp_acc will not be modified
code >= 0: the last_used_tcp_speed/last_used_tcp_acc will be modified
Set vacuum gripper state
:param on: open or not
on=True: equivalent to calling `set_tgpio_digital(0, 1)` and `set_tgpio_digital(1, 0)`
on=False: equivalent to calling `set_tgpio_digital(0, 0)` and `set_tgpio_digital(1, 1)`
:param wait: wait or not, default is False
:param timeout: wait time, unit:second, default is 3s
:param delay_sec: delay effective time from the current start, in seconds, default is None(effective immediately)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Set the base coordinate offset
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.11 or above
:param offset: [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw]
:param is_radian: the roll/pitch/yaw in radians or not, default is self.default_is_radian
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Shutdown the xArm controller system
:param value: 1: remote shutdown
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Start trajectory recording, only in teach mode, so you need to set joint teaching mode before.
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
2. set joint teaching mode: set_mode(2);set_state(0)
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.
Stop trajectory recording
1. This interface relies on Firmware 1.2.0 or above
:param filename: The name to save
1. Only strings consisting of English or numbers are supported, and the length is no more than 50.
2. The trajectory is saved in the controller box.
3. If the filename is None, just stop recording, do not save, you need to manually call `save_record_trajectory` save before changing the mode. otherwise it will be lost
4. This action will overwrite the trajectory with the same name
5. Empty the trajectory in memory after saving
:return: code
code: See the API code documentation for details.