Publishing is done using sbt-sonatype
and sbt-release
First check that GPG is loaded up right
$ export PGP_PASSPHRASE=<terse systems deployment key>
$ sbt publishLocalSigned
If that works right (it does scaladoc that isn't in the CI test suite) then do a release as follows:
Using sbt-projectmatrix uses lots of memory so better to use 4 GB:
$ export SBT_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx4g -Xss2M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024M"
$ sbt release
If it goes bad, you have to delete the tag locally, and rollback the local commit.
Publishing documentation is done using sbt-site
> project docs
> makeSite
> paradoxValidateInternalLinks
> paradoxValidateLinks
> ghpagesPushSite