diff --git a/tests/unit_tests/test_tethys_apps/test_templatetags/test_site_settings.py b/tests/unit_tests/test_tethys_apps/test_templatetags/test_site_settings.py
index fb7042e1f..fe6b11fe6 100644
--- a/tests/unit_tests/test_tethys_apps/test_templatetags/test_site_settings.py
+++ b/tests/unit_tests/test_tethys_apps/test_templatetags/test_site_settings.py
@@ -42,5 +42,23 @@ def test_get_css_is_code(self, mock_isfile, mock_settings):
mock_settings.STATIC_ROOT = "test_base_path1"
mock_settings.STATICFILES_DIRS = ["test_base_path2"]
- ret = ss.load_custom_css("test.css")
- self.assertEqual(ret, "")
+ ret = ss.load_custom_css(".navbar-brand { background-color: darkred; }")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ret, ""
+ )
+ def test_long_css_text(self):
+ long_css_text = """
+ .site-header { margin: 0 50px 0 0; background-color: red; }
+ .site-header .navbar-brand {
+ background-color: darkred;
+ color: black;
+ font-style: italic;
+ font-variant: small-caps;
+ font-family: cursive;
+ font-size: 24px;
+ }
+ """
+ ret = ss.load_custom_css(long_css_text)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, f"")
diff --git a/tethys_apps/templatetags/site_settings.py b/tethys_apps/templatetags/site_settings.py
index c8b7120f4..b85e315aa 100644
--- a/tethys_apps/templatetags/site_settings.py
+++ b/tethys_apps/templatetags/site_settings.py
@@ -1,28 +1,59 @@
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
from django.conf import settings
-from pathlib import Path
from ..static_finders import TethysStaticFinder
static_finder = TethysStaticFinder()
register = template.Library()
+log = logging.getLogger(f"tethys.{__name__}")
def load_custom_css(var):
+ """Load Custom Styles defined in Tethys Portal -> Site Settings
+ Args:
+ var: a filename of CSS to load or CSS text to embed into the page
+ Returns:
+ a string of HTML that either embeds CSS text or points to a file
+ """
+ if not var.strip():
+ return ""
if var.startswith("/"):
var = var.lstrip("/")
- if (Path(settings.STATIC_ROOT) / var).is_file() or static_finder.find(var):
- return f''
+ try:
+ # Check if var is a path to a file, if so return a link tag to the file
+ if (Path(settings.STATIC_ROOT) / var).is_file() or static_finder.find(var):
+ return f''
- else:
for path in settings.STATICFILES_DIRS:
if (Path(path) / var).is_file():
return f''
+ # If the string is too long for a file path, which could happen if it is CSS,
+ # an OSError will be raised during the file path checks. This could also happen
+ # if a lengthy file path is given or is otherwise invalid.
+ except OSError as e:
+ oserror_exception = ": " + str(e)
+ else:
+ oserror_exception = ""
+ # Verify the string is CSS and log warning if it is not
+ common_css_chars = "{};,"
+ if not any(c in var for c in common_css_chars):
+ # This appears to be a filename and not a CSS string
+ log.warning(
+ "Could not load file '%s' for custom styles%s", var, oserror_exception
+ )
+ return ""
return ""