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Containers are why I joined Oracle |
Cloud vendors that can support containerised workloads and have some differentiators around it are going to be the most successful. |
2018/01/17 12:00:00 |
2018/01/17 17:00:00 |
Containers have changed the way developers build cloud applications, and this change opens the door to companies like Oracle who were not at the first Cloud computing party but have the customer base and the relationships to capitalise on the second one.
When I first received a call from Oracle about joining them as a Developer Evangelist, I had the same thought most people have about Oracle. Aren't they a database company? Why would they want someone like me to join?
Over the next few months, I went on a learning journey about Oracle and discovered a whole load of cloud capabilities that I had no idea existed.
I unearthed a plethora of managed container services and listened to Open World announcements where they talked about launching a managed Kubernetes service.
These services got me thinking. Containers and orchestrators (like Kubernetes) are removing the barriers for new cloud providers since developers can move workloads from one cloud to another with less friction and cost.
Cloud vendors that can support containerised workloads and have some differentiators around it are going to be the most successful.
Looking at Oracle, I found that their bare metal offering was a potential differentiator. If you can run a containerised application using something like Kubernetes on bare metal, you get excellent performance because there is no hypervisor in the way, but you still get all the benefits of container native application development and your not having to manage the underlying infrastructure yourself.
One of the acquisitions that Oracle made recently also shone a light on to this brave new world: Wercker.
Wercker is continuous integration and deployment tool explicitly designed for containers. It takes you from your source code to a containerised application that can be tested and deployed in a workflow that's been created with this new world in mind.
This whole concept feels like the future of Cloud development to me; Oracle is of course not the only company pursuing this sort of strategy, but it was the only one that I felt I could have a real impact on, because for this to work it's going to need developers to understand and see the benefits.
So that's why I bet my career on Oracle.