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File metadata and controls

421 lines (305 loc) · 18.9 KB

PMC conversion

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Data transformation and loading pipeline. It uses Luigi Python package for jobs handling and python_csr2transmart package for transformation of Central Subject Registry data.

It loads data to tranSMART platform using transmart-copy tool.

For a production deployment instructions, start with the deployment section.


There are two types of configuration files:

Luigi configuration

Luigi configuration can be created by coping the luigi.cfg-sample:

cp luigi.cfg-sample luigi.cfg

Config options overview:

Variable Section Default value Description
logging_conf_file core logging.cfg Name of logging configuration file.
db_connection task_history sqlite://pmc-luigi-db.sqlite Database to store task history.
record_taks_history scheduler True Store task history True or False. Requires db_connection under task_history to be set if True
state_path scheduler luigi-state.pickle Path to save a pickle file with the current state of the pipeline
remove_delay scheduler 86400 (1 day) Set how long tasks should be remembered in task dashboard. Value in seconds.
drop_dir GlobalConfig /home/drop/drop_zone Path to drop zone directory.
data_repo_dir GlobalConfig /home/pmc/data Path to the git folder to store input and staging data. By default the pipeline creates the input, staging, load logs, intermediate file dir inside the repo_root.
working_dir GlobalConfig /home/pmc/working_dir Directory used as working directory. Similar to /tmp.
transformation_config_dir GlobalConfig /home/pmc/config Directory with the configuration files required for transformation.
load_logs_dir_name GlobalConfig load_logs Directory name to store loading logs.
transmart_copy_jar GlobalConfig /home/pmc/libs/transmart-copy.jar Location to transmart-copy jar file to use for data loading to tranSMART.
study_id GlobalConfig CSR_STUDY Study ID of the study used in tranSMART.
top_node GlobalConfig \Central Subject Registry\ Name of the top ontology tree node to display in tranSMART.
PGHOST GlobalConfig localhost tranSMART database host.
PGPORT GlobalConfig 5432 tranSMART database port.
PGDATABASE GlobalConfig transmart tranSMART database name.
PGUSER GlobalConfig biomart_user User to use for loading data to tranSMART.
PGPASSWORD GlobalConfig biomart_user User password.
transmart_loader resources 1 Amount of workers luigi has access to.
keycloak_url TransmartApiTask URL to Keycloak instance used to get access to tranSMART, e.g.
transmart_url TransmartApiTask http://localhost:8081 URL to tranSMART API V2.
gb_backend_url TransmartApiTask http://localhost:8083 URL to Glowing Bear Backend API.
client_id TransmartApiTask transmart-client Keycloak client ID.
offline_token TransmartApiTask Offline token used to request an access token in order to communicate with Gb Backend and tranSMART REST APIs.

Offline token

The application requires an offline token to exchange it for an access token to communicate with tranSMART and GB Backend. To get the token a user needs to have the role mapping for the realm-level: "offline_access".

To create such a user in Keycloak:

  • Login to Keycloak admin console.
  • Select the proper realm, e.g. example.
  • Go to Users.
  • Click Add user, enter username pmc-pipeline and click Save.
  • Select the Credentials tab, enter a strong password and click Reset Password.
  • Go to Role Mappings tab.
    • Ensure that the offline_access realm role is assigned.
    • Select transmart-client in the Client Roles dropdown and assure the ROLE_ADMIN role is assigned.

Below is curl command to generate an offline token for pmc-pipeline user.

PASSWORD=choose-a-strong-system-password  # CHANGE ME

curl -f --no-progress-meter \
  -d "client_id=${KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID}" \
  -d "username=${USERNAME}" \
  -d "password=${PASSWORD}" \
  -d 'grant_type=password' \
  -d 'scope=offline_access' \
  "${KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL}/realms/${KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '.refresh_token'

The value of the refresh_token field in the response is the offline token.

Email configuration

Email configuration can be created by coping the email_config.cfg-sample:

cp email_config.cfg-sample email_config.cfg

Config options overview:

Variable Section Default value Description
log_file global /home/pmc/pmc-conversion/python.log Logging file name.
receiver email Email address of the receiver, can be a comma separated list.
sender email Email address of the sender.
prefix email [CSR Data Loading Pipeline] Prefix for subject line of the error email.
port smtp 587 Port to use for sending emails.
username smtp Username for email client, when not needed can be left empty.
password smtp Password for email client.
host smtp Host of the email client.

Transformation configuration

Configuration files for TranSMART must be placed in transformation_config_dir. Specifically, sources_config.json and ontology_config.json, described in python_csr2transmart.

The files reference the input data and need to be customized accordingly.

Sample configuration files are provided in test_data/test_data_NGS/config.

Input data

In the drop directory (drop_dir in luigi.cfg) the clinical data files should be provided as well as a folder called NGS with all omics data. Each file in the drop directory has to be accompanied by a sha1 checksum file.

File naming convention:

  • File name: <filename>.<extension>
  • Sha1 file: <filename>.<extension>.sha1

E.g. data.txt has to have data.txt.sha1 next to it with sha1 hash of the data file. As sha1 hashes 40 characters long the rest of the file gets ignored:

1625be750dab24057c4c82d62d27298236ebb04c diagnosis.txt

For more information, see the CSR data model description and an example of input data files.


  1. Make sure you have luigi.cfg and email_config.cfg properly configured (see configuration section) and the input data is in the proper directory (see input data section).

  2. Install dependencies:

    Pipeline requires Python >= 3.7.

    python -m pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
  3. Start luigi daemon:

  4. Start the full pipeline:


Pipeline tasks overview

When starting the full pipeline, it executes the following tasks:

  1. Checks if new input data was provided. Files from the drop_dir get shasum calculated and checked with provided shasum. If the shasum is correct, it synchronizes drop zone with the input data directory. Else, it return an error with the file that has an incorrect shasum. The new input data files are backed-up using git repository.

  2. Reads from source files and produces tab delimited CSR files.

  3. Reads CSR files and transforms the data to the TranSMART data model, creating files that can be imported to TranSMART using transmart-copy. The files are added to the git repository.

  4. Loads the files using transmart-copy. It tries to delete the existing data and load the new staging files. If it fails, nothing happens to the existing data in the database.

  5. Calls after_data_loading_update tranSMART API call to clear and rebuild the application cache. tranSMART loading log is committed using git.

  6. In case not all the tasks are completed successfully, an email will be sent to the configured receivers, containing the full error report.

Other available scripts

To load data to TranSMART:


The pipeline creates files that start with .done-*. These files created for each successfully finished task of the pipeline. To force execution of tasks again you need to remove these files:



E2e tests

The e2e_transmart_only test will run all the pipeline tasks. When running the test, data from drop_dir directory configured in luigi.cfg will be transformed and loaded to the currently configured tranSMART database. This will also trigger the after_data_loading_update tranSMART API call.

NOTE! Do not run this on production.

To run the e2e test:


Other tests

To run other tests:



Instructions on how to set up the pipeline on a production environment.


  • Python >= 3.7,
  • Package python3.7-venv (or higher version, depending on the version of Python) installed,
  • Git,
  • An SMTP server, listening on port 25.

Installation steps

Create required users

Create users pmc and drop with home directories:

sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash pmc
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash drop

Add pmc user to drop user group:

sudo usermod -a -G drop pmc

If there is a list of users who should be able to log in as drop and/or pmc user through SSH, add /.ssh directories inside the newly created home directories of these users and put the list of SSH-RSA keys inside authorized_keys files (/home/pmc/.ssh/authorized_keys and /home/drop/.ssh/authorized_keys).

Create required directories

The following directories should be created for pmc user:

  • /home/pmc/data
  • /home/pmc/working_dir
  • /home/pmc/config
  • /home/pmc/libs
sudo -iu pmc
cd /home/pmc
mkdir data working_dir config libs

and for drop user:

  • /home/drop/drop_zone
sudo -iu drop
cd /home/drop
mkdir drop_zone

The drop_zone directory is where the pipeline checks for new data by default. It can be configured to be a symbolic link to the actual data directory, where the source data is delivered.

To create a symlink, run:

ln -sfn /home/drop/sample_test_data_folder/sample_dataset /home/drop/drop_zone

Prepare the repositories

Clone the indicated pipeline repository tag into the pmc user home directory.

sudo -iu pmc
cd /home/pmc/
git clone --branch <tag_name> --single-branch

Initialize git repositories inside /home/pmc/data and /home/pmc/config directories:

cd /home/pmc/data
git init
cd /home/pmc/config
git init

Prepare external tools

Download the latest version of the transmart-copy.jar from the Nexus repository of The Hyve to `/home/pmc/libs:

curl -f -L -o /home/pmc/libs/transmart-copy.jar

Then put the transmart-copy.jar inside /home/pmc/libs.

Prepare the configuration

Prepare the luigi.cfg and email_config.cfg and put them into the /home/pmc/pmc-conversion/ directory.

Create a Python3 virtualenv

sudo -iu pmc
cd /home/pmc
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r /home/pmc/pmc-conversion/requirements/requirements.txt

Configure a Luigi daemon service

Add a new systemd service:

sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/luigi.service

and add the following content:

Description=PMC Luigi daemon service



Save and close the file.

Then start the service:

sudo systemctl start luigi

and automatically get it to start on boot:

sudo systemctl enable luigi

Test the pipeline

Test if the pipeline works correctly by manually triggering the data upload as a pmc user:

sudo -iu pmc
source /home/pmc/venv/bin/activate && cd /home/pmc/pmc-conversion && /home/pmc/pmc-conversion/scripts/

Create a cron job

If the pipeline should be run periodically, e.g. daily at 2:02, install a cron job for the pmc user as follows:

sudo -iu pmc
crontab -e

Then add an entry for running the pipeline as follows:

# Example of job definition:
# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
# |  .------------- hour (0 - 23)
# |  |  .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
# |  |  |  .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# |  |  |  |  .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# |  |  |  |  |
# *  *  *  *  * user-name  command to be executed

2 2 * * * . /home/pmc/venv/bin/activate && cd /home/pmc/pmc-conversion && /home/pmc/pmc-conversion/scripts/

Save and close the file.

Grant sudo access to the pmc user for restarting TranSMART

As a sudo user run:

vi /etc/sudoers.d/pmc_restart_transmart

and add the following content:

pmc ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl restart transmart-server.service

Save and close the file.


Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 The Hyve B.V.

The PMC conversion pipeline is licensed under the MIT License. See the file LICENSE.