This document provides comprehensive examples for using the KuCoin SPOT API with Node.js and JavaScript. It covers various functionalities including account management, fund transfers, trade execution, order management, and market data retrieval. The examples are designed to help developers quickly integrate KuCoin Spot API into their NodeJS, Javascript and Typscript applications.
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KuCoin Documentation - official Kucoin API docs
Node.js & JavaScript SDK for Kucoin - Github repo of our SDK
Current file contains only certain most used examples. If you can't find what you need, you can search through SpotClient.ts - all of the endpoints and functions will be there! Otherwise, just ask in Node.js Traders Telegram group.
Do you need help with Futures? Check out Futures Quickstart guide
Table of contents:
// Install by npm
npm install kucoin-api
// Install by yarn
yarn add kucoin-api
// require
const { SpotClient } = require('kucoin-api');
// import
import { SpotClient } from 'kucoin-api';
// initialise Spot Client
const spotClient = new SpotClient({
// insert your api key, secret and passphrase - use env vars, if not just fill the string values
apiKey: process.env.KUCOIN_API_KEY || 'insert-your-api-key',
apiSecret: process.env.KUCOIN_API_SECRET || 'insert-your-api-secret',
process.env.KUCOIN_API_PASSPHRASE || 'insert-your-api-passphrase',
// Get Account Summary
// Get all Account Balances
// Get specific Account or Currency Balance
currency: 'USDT',
type: 'main', // 'trade' | 'margin' | 'trade_hf'
// Example call to get account details by ID
spotClient.getAccountDetails({ accountId: '5bd6e9286d99522a52e458de' });
// Margin endpoints for balances
// Example call to get account ledgers with specified parameters
spotClient.getTransactions({ currency: 'BTC', startAt: 1601395200000 });
// Example call to get high-frequency account ledgers with specified parameters
currency: 'YOP,DAI',
startAt: 1601395200000,
// Example call to get high-frequency margin account ledgers with specified parameters
currency: 'YOP,DAI',
startAt: 1601395200000,
// Example call to create a deposit address
currency: 'BTC',
// Optional parameter
chain: 'BTC',
// Example call to get deposit addresses with specified parameters
currency: 'BTC',
// Example call to get deposits
// Example call to get withdrawals with specified parameters
currency: 'BTC', // Optional parameter
// Example call to submit a withdrawal
currency: 'BTC',
address: '1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa',
amount: 0.01,
// Optional parameters
memo: 'exampleMemo',
chain: 'BTC',
// Example call to cancel a withdrawal by ID
withdrawalId: '5bffb63303aa675e8bbe18f9',
// Get all subaccounts
// Example call to create a sub-account
// Fill in the required parameters for creating a sub-account
subName: 'exampleSubAccount',
password: 'examplePassword',
access: 'trade',
// Example call to get sub-account balance with specified parameters
subUserId: '5caefba7d9575a0688f83c45',
includeBaseAmount: false,
// Example call to get sub-account balances
// Example call to get transferable funds
currency: 'BTC',
type: 'MAIN',
// Example call to submit a transfer from master to sub-account
clientOid: client.generateNewOrderID(), // or use your custom UUID
amount: 0.01,
currency: 'USDT',
direction: 'OUT', // 'IN' for transfer to master, 'OUT' for transfer to sub
subUserId: 'enter_sub_user_id_here',
// Example call to submit an inner transfer within same account
clientOid: client.generateNewOrderID(), // or use your custom UUID
amount: 0.01,
currency: 'USDT',
from: 'main', // Source account type
to: 'trade', // Destination account type
// Get all subaccount APIs
subName: 'my_sub_name',
// Create APIs for Sub-Account
subName: 'my_sub_name',
passphrase: 'my_passphrase',
remark: 'my_remark',
// Modify Sub-Account APIs
subName: 'my_sub_name',
passphrase: 'my_passphrase',
apiKey: 'my_api_key',
// Delete Sub-Account APIs
subName: 'my_sub_name',
passphrase: 'my_passphrase',
apiKey: 'my_api_key',
// Get All Currencies List
// Get info for a specific currency
currency: 'BTC',
// Get all Symbols
// Example call to get ticker information for a specific symbol
symbol: 'BTC-USDT',
// All tickers
// Get 24h stats for a specific symbol
symbol: 'BTC-USDT',
// get partial orderbook
spotClient.getOrderBookLevel20({ symbol: 'BTC-USDT' });
// get partial orderbook
spotClient.getOrderBookLevel100({ symbol: 'BTC-USDT' });
// get full orderbook
spotClient.getFullOrderBook({ symbol: 'BTC-USDT' });
// Example call to get Klines (candlestick data) with specified parameters
type: '1min',
symbol: 'BTC-USDT',
startAt: 1566703297,
endAt: 1566789757,
Please, read official Kucoin API docs to understand how to place orders, cancel orders, etc. and what is needed for each endpoint. These are just low-end examples to understand how to use it with SDK.
// Market short order
const marketShort = spotClient.submitOrder({
clientOid: client.generateNewOrderID(), // or use your custom UUID
side: 'sell',
symbol: 'ETH-BTC',
type: 'market',
size: '0.5', // Specify the quantity to sell
// Market long order
const marketLong = spotClient.submitOrder({
clientOid: client.generateNewOrderID(), // or use your custom UUID
side: 'buy',
symbol: 'ETH-BTC',
type: 'market',
size: '0.5', // Specify the quantity to buy
// Limit short order
const limitShort = spotClient.submitOrder({
clientOid: client.generateNewOrderID(), // or use your custom UUID
side: 'sell',
symbol: 'ETH-BTC',
type: 'limit',
price: '0.03', // Specify the price to sell
size: '0.5', // Specify the quantity to sell
timeInForce: 'GTC', // Good Till Canceled
// Limit long order
const limitLong = spotClient.submitOrder({
clientOid: client.generateNewOrderID(), // or use your custom UUID
side: 'buy',
symbol: 'ETH-BTC',
type: 'limit',
price: '0.03', // Specify the price to buy
size: '0.5', // Specify the quantity to buy
timeInForce: 'GTC', // Good Till Canceled
const multipleOrders = [
clientOid: '3d07008668054da6b3cb12e432c2b13a',
side: 'buy',
type: 'limit',
price: '0.01',
size: '0.01',
clientOid: '37245dbe6e134b5c97732bfb36cd4a9d',
side: 'buy',
type: 'limit',
price: '0.01',
size: '0.01',
symbol: 'KCS-USDT',
orderList: multipleOrders,
// Get open orders
spotClient.getOrders({ status: 'active' });
// Get closed orders
spotClient.getOrders({ status: 'done' });
// Get List of Orders Completed in 24h
// Get Details of a Single Order by ClientOrderId
spotClient.getOrderByClientOid({ clientOid: 'clientOid' });
// Or By OrderId
spotClient.getOrderByOrderId({ orderId: 'orderId' });
spotClient.cancelOrderById({ orderId: 'orderId' });
spotClient.cancelOrderByClientOid({ clientOid: 'clientOid' });
//cancel all orders for symbol
spotClient.cancelAllOrders({ symbol: 'XBTUSDTM' });
// cancel all orders for all symbols
// Get Specific Fills
spotClient.getFills({ type: 'market' });
// or search for all
// Recent Fills from last 24 hours
All of the examples are 99% same as regular spot, but you can follow the official HF Trade API documentation and list of functions in SpotClient.ts to find what you need!
All of the examples are 99% same as regular spot, but you can follow the official Margin Trade API documentation and list of functions in SpotClient.ts to find what you need!
For Websocket examples, please refer to these links:
If you need help, something is wrong/missing or you have suggestions, please join our Node.js Traders community group on Telegram and let us know!