You need to install clang (version 16.0.6 works).
Our Makefile will fetch the necessary sysroots that it needs. They are fetched from
You also need lld.
For cross compiling Windows you need the mingw toolchain, 32 or 64 bit. Wine is also a good idea.
make clean
make TARGET=win64
make TARGET=win32
# For Linux targets the Makefile has aliases. The following
# calls are equivalent to `make TARGET=X`
make aarch64 # 64 bit ARM.
make armv7 # 32 bit ARM.
make riscv64
make raspbian # Sysroot based on 32 bit Raspbian image.
make pi # Same as raspbian.
make arm-linux-gnueabi
The binaries are in build/TARGET/sdk/bin directory.