Releases: torrua/LOD
LOD 4.5.8
Dictionary Updates
- 19 new Syllables (Unintelligible CCC)
- new keys for 8951@1, 8027@1, 5956, 3603@1, 963@1, 1132@1, 2109@1
origin for all Affixes and many LW and Cpd
case tags for 207, 246, 2474, 2755, 2838, 3201, 9964, 9999, 8909, 9679, 9764
words 9194 > 10139, 9195 > 10140, 9196 > 10141
description for 3 Afx
style for 6576@1, 890@1, 1967@1, 2504@1, 3626@1
usage for 31@2
order for definitions 879@3><4
LOD 4.5.7
LOD Stable release 4.5.6
Dictionary Updates
ADD: annotations to Lexical Events
FIX: (minor) for 27 Definitions
LOD Stable release 4.5.5
Dictionary Updates
UPDATE: some abbreviations
FIX: tag cases, origin and origin_x for many words
LOD Stable release 4.5.1
MOVE: definition 7132 to 879, because *predydilri is incorrect loglan word
LOD Stable release 4.5.0
Dictionary Updates
DELETE: Illegal type
LOD Stable release 4.4.2
Dictionary Updates
FIX: Word.origin or Word.origin_x for 18 words of Prim type
LOD Stable release 4.4.0
Main Changes in Structure
ADD: column description to Type table
ADD: column DBRelease to Settings table
ADD: column id (primary) to WordDefinition table
Dictionary Updates
FIX: Word.origin for words of Prim type
LOD Stable release 4.2.0
Main Changes
ADD: id column for WordSpell table in mdb file
Additional Updates
FIX: Definition for some words
FIX: Description for 3rd event in DB
CHANGE: order of some items
LOD Stable release 4.0.0
Main Changes
UPDATE: database structure to include additional data fields
REPLACE: authors, types and syllables files accordingly
Additional Updates
FIX: Definition for some words