🟢 Fully responsive clean UI.
🟢 Entirely mobile responsive.
🟢 spotify like music player.
🟢 Fully functional music player that allows you to go to the play and pause, previous song, next song, repeat, shuffle, fast forward and change volume.
🟢 We can search music, singer or album.
🟢 we can select any music genre.
🟢 Get the top songs in top charts tab.
🟢 Get the most popular artists in top artists tab.
🟢 Click the artist, you'll get the other related songs of that artist.
🟢 Click the song details, you'll navigate to the song details page where we can get the song lyrics and other related songs.
🟢 In around you tab, you'll get the popular music of the country you live in.
*** I made it specifically for India by default, because I was getting some error from api end, while fetching the country name.
🔷 React => Entire front-end design of this app is made by Reactjs.
🔷 TailwindCSS => CSS utility class.
🔷 react-icons => icons.
🔷 React-router => navigate among views of various components.
🔷 redux toolkit => for state management.
🔷 Shazam Core => rapid api to get the songs.