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Square Kilometer Array Observatory (SKAO) will revolutionize radio astronomy. <br>
The UK SKA Regional Centre (UKSRC) development project will, as part of a global network, enable researchers to explore the early universe. |
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Elchinator, Pixabay |
Source code text in yellow and pink overlaying a blurry photo of computer racks. |
Developing digital research infrastructure |
Bespoke UK-based computational and data facilities, tools, and services will contribute to the analysis of 700PB of data generated per year by the SKA telescopes. |
/technical-challenges/ |
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Robert Braun |
A barred spiral galaxy. Image courtesy of NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA). |
Strengthening the UK astronomy community |
UK astronomers will have opportunities to inform the UKSRC's development and to enhance their skills in preparation for the deployment of the SKA telescopes. |
/astronomy-community/ |
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assets/images/SKA-at-Night-600x400 .jpg |
Collaborating internationally |
The UKSRC team working with a global network of 14 nations and the SKA Observatory to develop interoperable functionalities to find, access, manipulate and visualise SKA Data products. |
/international/ |
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