If you need to create a custom config file for you Rails project, ConfigLoader will help you to load the contents of this file.
gem install configloader
ConfigLoader.load(file_name, running_env, project_root) Let's assume that you have the special file config/database.yml in your Rails project. In this example, you are using CouchDB as your database. This file has the content below: development: server: localhost port: 5984 database_name: addressbook_development test: server: localhost port: 5984 database_name: addressbook_test production: server: production.server.com port: 5984 database_name: addressbook_production In order to access the database configuration for your current environment, you'd write, for instance: db_config = ConfigLoader.load('database') db_config['server'] # localhost db_config['port'] # 5984 db_config['database_name'] # addressbook_development We're assuming that your current environment is development. You can get the configuration of a specific running environment writing this: db_config = ConfigLoader.load('database', 'production') db_config['server'] # production.server.com db_config['port'] # 5984 db_config['database_name'] # addressbook_production You can specify the project root too. If you don't, it will assume the project root is Rails.root. To change it, write: db_config = ConfigLoader.load('database', 'production') db_config = ConfigLoader.load('database', 'test', '/home/user/my_special_project_root') Dinamic keys are also accepted. They're parsed using ERB. So, you're free to write a config file like this: test: server: <%= `hostname` %> port: 5984 database_name: addressbook_test
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