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Quick Start Tutorial

grondag edited this page Jun 21, 2020 · 14 revisions


This tutorial will walk you through writing a shader that makes stone (or some other block you choose) have an animated bluish glow! It won't teach you GLSL or much about the details, but you'll get a rough idea of what is involved and where to start.

Setting up

For this tutorial, you'll be using a resource pack. There are other ways to associate shaders with blocks, but this way requires no Java development.

You'll need Minecraft instance that includes Fabric Loader, Fabric API and Canvas 1.0 or later. In the folder where Minecraft runs, open the resourcepacks folder and create a new sub folder named shaderpack. (It can be any name, we're just using that name for the tutorial.)

In the shaderpack folder, use a text editor to create a filed named pack.mcmeta with these contents:

  "pack": {
    "pack_format": 4,
    "description": "Canvas shader tutorial pack"
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