The qhun-transpiler project uses Semantic Versioning. Please consider every version below 1.0.0 as developement release and it may be unstable.
- Nothing
- Added support for watching over file changes in the source directory to automaticly trigger the transpile process.
flag on the cli.
- Lua support for Array.unshift(...)
- Api update for __FILE_META declaration support
- Fixed a bug where wow target could not reflect class expressions
- Support for ClassExpressions (#2)
- Transpiler now exit with a correct exit code (#1)
- Fixed a bug in lua and wow target that causes string literals in an object context to be generated without the nessesary computed property wrapper brackets.
- Fixed a bug in wow target where path building for external files targeted the wrong file.
- Fixed a bug in lua and wow target where MappedTypes with array values were not detected as arrays
- Fixed a bug in String.match.
- Added Array.some(...)
- Fixed a bug in lua and wow target where shorthand arrow function usage has been transpiled without return statement
- Added the possability to add external node_modules sources as embeded dependency (targets: lua, wow)
- [Wow target] Global __library var is now unique per addon to allow multiple addons that uses qhun-transpiler for ts->lua transpiling
- Fixed a bug where non static properties in classes using the this keyword outside of functions breaks because of the non existing self var
- Fixed a bug in the wow post transpiling process where saved variables were not added to the toc file
- Added namespace reflection to adress the origin path of the file relative to its project root at compile time
- [Wow target] Added a preprocessor function to dynamicly require files by its namespace and class name
- [Wow target] Added a file meta var to get vararg values like addon name. Variable name is __FILE_META
- Added an api folder that contains transpiler specific preprocessor functions and may contain future api files to the transpiler
- Reflection for the lua and wow target
- This arg support when declaring a function that has an explicit this arg.
- Array.slice() partial support
- Class decorators experimental support
- Parameter decorator experimental support
- DotDotDot token for array destructing assignment
- fixed some minor and major bugs in the class heritage design
- added more unit tests to cover more features
- String.match() and RegularExpressionLiteral support for lua and wow target
- Function.bind(...) added
- *.toString(base?) added
- Added changelog file for future feature change tracking.
- Added documentation for currently supported targets.
- Added most of the typescript feature to
target - Support of Typescript 3
- string.charAt()
- string.split()
- string.toLowerCase()
- string.toUpperCase()