is a React hook used to display skeleton placeholders where content needs to wait for loading.
npm i @ltns/use-skeleton
# or
yarn add @ltns/use-skeleton
import useSkeleton from '@ltns/use-skeleton';
const [ref, setAnimate, animate] = useSkeleton('& > *');
return (
<div ref={ref}>
{animate ? 'Loading...' : null}
<div>Set the width of the element.</div>
<span style={{ display: 'inline-flex' }}>Or use mocking text to expand the width of the element.</span>
CSS Modules
should be enabled.
The skeleton inline element's display
type should not be inline
(the default for inline elements.), set it to inline-flex
or inline-block
Use the CSS Variables
feature for custom styling: --ltns-skeleton-bg-color
, --ltns-skeleton-sk-color
, --ltns-skeleton-anim-str
animation is better than background-position
animation in rendering performance.
This package distributed with ESNext language level and ES modules system. It means that depending on your browser target you might need to transpile it. Every major bundler provides a way to transpile
fully or partially. Address your bundler documentation for more details.