The requirements of this team project were to perform machine learning on a problem worth solving. Then we needed to use Scikit-Learn and host the application using Heroku.
The purpose of our project was to predict what Roblox game a user would be recommended based on their current gaming behavior.
- More words isn't necessarily better
- It's not just what words you have, but the combinations matter
- Likes and ratings are highly correlated
In conclusion, the model will give users the abiltity to improve the appeal of their game.
Roblox is an tnteractive gaming platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users. Roblox is ranked as one of the top online entertainment platforms for audiences under the age of 18.
DU Data Analytics Bootcamp Final Project Tuesday, June 1, 2021 Presented by: Alyson Amtman, Kim Christensen, Sara Kayhan, Swati Oberoi Dham, Felix Pronove, Aishwarya Rao, and Joey Riebel Colorado, United States
Team time to complete: approximately 65 hours.