2.9.0 - 2019-01-22
- Update algorithms
- hbpmip/python-anova:0.4.5
- hbpmip/python-correlation-heatmap:0.5.0
- hbpmip/python-histograms:0.6.2
- hbpmip/python-summary-statistics:0.4.1
- hbpmip/python-sgd-linear-model:0.3.4
- hbpmip/python-sgd-naive-bayes:0.3.4
- hbpmip/python-sgd-neural-network:0.3.4
- hbpmip/python-gradient-boosting:0.3.4
- hbpmip/python-correlation-heatmap:0.5.1
- hbpmip/python-distributed-pca:0.5.1
- hbpmip/python-distributed-kmeans:0.2.2
- hbpmip/python-tsne:0.4.3
- hbpmip/r-ggparci:0.2.2
- hbpmip/python-jsi-hinmine:0.3.1
- hbpmip/python-jsi-hedwig:1.0.9
- Update Woken-validation to 2.6.0
- API: /cluster - expose Akka management checks
- SPI: Describe tables in the configuration
- Do not always require covariables to exist for distributed queries
- Stream support for websocket client
- Better descriptions of algorithms
- Improve shutdown of Akka services in the cluster
- Add validation checks for feature tables
- Validation of experiment queries
- Quote all column and table names in generated SQL, table and column names are now case-sensitive and can be non standard identifiers
- Monitoring: add Akka management
- Monitoring: use sup library for functional-oriented definition of health checks.
- Monitoring: Add health checks for cluster status, database status, execution of Docker algorithms with Chronos/Mesos, delegation of computations to Woken validation workers
- Self checks for Akka server and web server
- dev Remove cyclic dependencies in code and add tests against cyclic dependencies
- dev Refactoring database access to features
- dev Heavy refactoring of internal services, wrap them into Resource to ensure orderly startup and cleanup of the services
- dev Reorganisation of packages
- dev Reify several concepts: TableId, FeaturesTableDescription, backends for WokenWorker and AlgorithmExecutor
- dev Use gen_features_table_seq defined in Woken db
- dev Update many library dependencies, including Akka 2.5.19, Cats 1.5.0
- dev Update woken-messages to 2.9.1
- test Test mining queries
- test Update and fix integration tests
- test Add unit tests for FeaturesTableRepositoryDAO and ExtendedFeaturesTableRepositoryDAO
- fix Fix validation of tables at startup
- fix Fix startup of services
- fix Refactor and fix cross-validation: use a temporary table in Postgres to create the random k-folds
- fix Fix filtering queries
2.8.0 - 2018-05-23
- New algorithms
- hbpmip/python-distributed-kmeans:0.2.1 distributed
- Update algorithms
- hbpmip/python-anova:0.4.4
- hbpmip/python-linear-regression:0.3.1 distributed
- hbpmip/python-summary-statistics:0.4.0 distributed
- hbpmip/python-histograms:0.6.1
- hbpmip/python-knn:0.4.0
- hbpmip/python-distributed-kmeans:0.2.0
- hbpmip/python-sgd-linear-model:0.3.3
- hbpmip/python-sgd-naive-bayes:0.3.3
- hbpmip/python-sgd-neural-network:0.3.3
- hbpmip/python-gradient-boosting:0.3.3
- hbpmip/python-distributed-pca:0.4.0 distributed
- hbpmip/python-correlation-heatmap:0.4.0
- Update woken-validation to 2.5.3
- Enable distributed support for histograms, statistics summary, kmeans
- HinMine and Heatmaply algorithms considered now ready for production
- Distributed algorithms: support map-reduce
- Provenance: keep track of intial query in the response
- Monitoring: trace actions in actors
- Select only covariables and groupings known locally
- Exchange large messages between Woken nodes using streaming messages over websockets
- dev Introduce distributedExecutionPlan
- dev Update woken-messages to 2.8.1
- test Integration tests for HinMine and Heatmaply
- test Integration tests for distributed algorithms in a federation
- fix Report errors on websockets, queries
- fix Improve execution of remote validations in an experiment
- fix Fix more http connection leaks on Chronos client
- fix Hedwig should work for nominal and numerical covariables
- fix improve shuffling during K-fold cross validation
- fix Fix query for cross validation
2.7.0 - 2018-05-15
- New algorithms
- hbpmip/python-distributed-pca:0.3.1
- Update algorithms
- hbpmip/python-histograms:0.5.1
- hbpmip/python-summary-statistics:0.3.4
- hbpmip/python-anova:0.4.3
- hbpmip/python-linear-regression:0.2.2
- hbpmip/python-sgd-linear-model:0.3.0
- hbpmip/python-sgd-naive-bayes:0.3.0
- hbpmip/python-sgd-neural-network:0.3.0
- hbpmip/python-gradient-boosting:0.3.0
- hbpmip/python-knn:0.3.1
- hbpmip/python-correlation-heatmap:0.3.1
- hbpmip/python-tsne:0.4.2
- hbpmip/python-jsi-hedwig:1.0.7
- Update woken-validation to 2.5.0
- Handle remote validation requests in an experiment
- Stabilisation: Use DistPubSub to communicate with Woken validation
- Update Linear regression algo to support logistic regression on nominal variables
- dev Update Woken-messages to 2.7.5
- fix Fix type in algo spec
- fix Improve labels and parameters for algorithms
- fix Remove HinMine as it crashes Woken
- fix Change type for algo ggparci to features_extraction
- fix Naive Bayes: configure only for classification
2.6.0 - 2018-05-01
- Update algorithms
- hbpmip/python-anova:0.4.2
- hbpmip/python-histograms:0.5.0
- hbpmip/python-knn:0.3.0
- hbpmip/python-linear-regression:0.2.0
- hbpmip/python-summary-statistics:0.3.2
- hbpmip/python-correlation-heatmap:0.1.5
- hbpmip/python-sgd-linear-model:0.2.0
- hbpmip/python-sgd-naive-bayes:0.2.0
- hbpmip/python-sgd-neural-network:0.2.0
- hbpmip/python-gradient-boosting:0.2.0
- hbpmip/python-tsne:0.4.1
- hbpmip/python-jsi-hinmine:0.2.3
- hbpmip/python-jsi-hedwig:1.0.5
- hbpmip/r-ggparci:0.2.1
- Update woken-validation to 2.4.11
- SPI: easy switch between Netty and Artery remoting
- SPI: Remove deprecated PARAM_MODEL_x env vars
- SPI: Configuration for CPU and memory allocated to a job
- SPI: Rename config for defaultJobMemory and Cpus
- Monitoring: Add dead letters monitor
- Use Artery TCP for Akka remoting
- Improve constraints for linear regression algorithm
- Define parameters for new algorithms
- Align config with Woken validation
- Improve reporting of invalid queries
- Akka: configure Coordinated shutdown
- dev Replace ActorLogging by LazyLogging
- dev Register the mainRouter as a distributed pubsub destination actor
- dev Add Metadata query actor, pool it to limit concurrent use
- dev Define algorithm engine to be able to switch engines
- dev Update woken-messages to 2.7.4
- test test many more algorithms
- test Add unit test for metadata queries actor
- fix Fix http connection leak on Chronos client
- fix Stabilise Chronos
- fix Increase size of payloads for messages exchanged between Woken and the portal or validation workers
- fix Metadata queries: support exhaustive argument
2.5.0 - 2018-04-19
- New algorithms
- hbpmip/python-knn:0.2.3
- hbpmip/python-sgd-linear-model:0.1.4
- hbpmip/python-sgd-naive-bayes:0.1.4
- hbpmip/python-sgd-neural-network:0.1.4
- hbpmip/python-correlation-heatmap:0.1.2
- hbpmip/python-gradient-boosting:0.1.4
- hbpmip/python-jsi-hinmine:0.2.2
- hbpmip/python-jsi-hedwig:1.0.4
- Update algorithms
- hbpmip/python-histograms:0.4.3
- hbpmip/python-linear-regression:0.1.1
- hbpmip/python-summary-statistics:0.3.0
- hbpmip/python-tsne:0.4.0
- Update woken-validation to 2.4.6
- API: /metadata/variables - add list of datasets where the variable is present into variables metadata
- SPI: allow overriding algorthims from environment variables, using for example PYTHON_HISTOGRAMS_IMAGE or PYTHON_LINEAR_REGRESSION_IMAGE
- SPI: define for each algorithm whether it supports null values
- SPI: Datasets config: always indicate list of tables
- SPI: Configure db pool size
- Check that the datasets exist in the features database on startup
- Support non predictive algorithms in experiments
- Improve self checks
- dev Update woken-messages to 2.7.1
- dev Update Akka to 2.5.12, Cats to 1.1.0
- dev Add Mining actor and Experiment query actor, pool them to limit concurrent use
- dev Move queries actors to dispatch package
- test Fix integration tests
- test Integration test for summary statistics
- test Update integration tests, experiment with KNN
- fix /metadata/datasets returns NPE
- fix Fix count features
- fix Handle tables without a 'dataset' column
2.4.0 - 2018-03-16
- Update algorithms
- hbpmip/java-rapidminer-knn:0.2.2
- hbpmip/java-rapidminer-naivebayes:0.2.1
- hbpmip/python-histograms:0.3.6
- hbpmip/python-linear-regression:0.0.7
- hbpmip/python-summary-statistics:0.1.4
- hbpmip/python-tsne:0.3.3
- hbpmip/r-ggparci:0.2.0
- Update Woken validation to 2.3.1
- Queries are automatically filtered by datasets
- API: /metadata/datasets - list available datasets. Uses configuration as the source of information
- API: /metadata/variables - list variables and their metadata
- API: add /health and /readiness checks
- SPI: support mime types for Vega and Vega-lite graphs as results from algorithms
- SPI: support mime types for serialised results (using Python pickle, Java serialization, R RDS) from algorithms
- SPI: mime type for tabular data resource is now application/vnd.dataresource+json
- SPI: provide database configuration settings for Python-based algorithms using SQLAlchemy to connect to the database
- Monitoring: trace Akka HTTP requests (temporarily disabled), Akka remote requests
- Monitoring: host and JVM metrics
- dev Revert to Scala 2.11.12 for serialization compatibility with Woken-validation which requires Scala 2.11
- dev Improve initialisation order of services during startup
- dev Migrate conversion of FilterRules to sql where to woken-messages
- dev Common configuration files for Akka and Kamon
- dev Enable strace for debugging
- dev Update Akka http to 10.1.0-RC2, woken-messages to 2.6.1
- dev Add FeaturesRepository DAO to access features data in the db
- test New cases for experiment flows
- test Improve tests for validation flows
- test Update tests over websockets
- fix Stabilisation of mining and experiment queries
- doc Usage for this application
2.3.0 - 2018-02-20
- Update Woken validation to 2.1.6
- Update algorithms
- python-anova:0.3.6
- python-linear-regression:0.0.7
- python-summary-statistics:0.1.0
- python-tsne:0.3.3
- Add Akka-based dispatcher and HTTPS to connect to remote Woken instances
- Let's Encrypt support
- Queries can specify target table
- Add label to datasets
- Add Metadata for groups
- Add Kamon monitoring, with support for Zipkin and Prometheus
- test integration tests for distributed functionality
- test use synthetic datasets for testing
- dev Update to Sbt 1.1.0, Scala 2.12.4, woken-messages 2.4.8
- dev Various attempts at finding right serialization and Akka networking configuration
- dev Refactor VariablesMeta, Shapes and document JobResults
- dev Rebrand top level package to ch.chuv.lren.woken
2.2.0 - 2018-01-16
- Distributed datamining
- Distributed experiments
- Add support for Websockets to connect to remote Woken instances
- Clarify and update configuration
- dev Rely on Akka streams for all distributed functionality, also for experiments
- dev Update to Akka 2.5.9
2.1.0 - 2017-12-11
- Requires Chronos 3.0.2 and Zookeeper 3.4.8
- Deep code refactoring, backend by more unit tests
- Monitor jobs on Chronos, track failures and report errors on those jobs
- Move cross-validation module to its own project (woken-validation)
- Extract woken-messages library and make it a dependency
- Add a MasterRouter actor, use Akka to communicate with Portal backend
- Pass variables metatada to algorithms as PARAM_meta variable
- dev Configuration uses Cats Validation
- dev Favor immutable data structures
- dev Update Akka to 2.3.16
2.0.0 - 2016-09-22
- Add support for experiments
- Add cross-validation module
1.0.0 - 2016-03-22
- First stable version
- Start project