- Strategy of Kalatsky and Stryker, Neuron (2003): using periodic stimulation (repetitions) and Fourier analysis to catch weak evoked responses.
- A flickering moving bar (N.B. straight on the screen, unlike Juavinett et al., 2016 or Zhuang et al., 2017)
- The protocol keeps on adding data. Stop whenever you are happy with the obtained maps.
Building retinotopic maps using the strategy . From a recording movie
that contains Nrepeat
repetitions of the flickering bar in one irection:
spectrum = np.fft.fft(movie, axis=0)
# generate power map
power_map = np.abs(spectrum)[Nrepeat,:,:]
#generate phase movie
phase_map = -np.angle(spectrum)[Nrepeat,:,:] % (2.*np.pi)
The code comes from from a script from Jun Zhuang.