diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2ec4ef3..7d1f077 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1 +1,39 @@
-## R-Plugin 文档分支
\ No newline at end of file
+## Detail
+This is a blog theme used vitepress to build. You could [click here](https://visionary-sunflower-dc7ae3.netlify.app/) to see what it looks like.
+## Highlights
+- [x] pagination
+- [x] dark mode
+- [x] archives
+- [x] tags
+- [x] content level
+- [x] comments
+- [x] lastUpdated
+- [x] github actions
+- [x] mobile + desktop
+- [x] RSS
+- [x] Local Search
+- [x] Math Equation(markdown-it-mathjax3)
+- [x] type information with jsdoc on code snippets (by https://shikiji.netlify.app/packages/markdown-it )
+## Start
+npx degit clark-cui/vitepress-blog-zaun my-vitepress-blog
+cd my-vitepress-blog
+pnpm i # If you didn't install pnpm,you can run: npm install -g pnpm
+pnpm dev
+If you want to view rss result or use local search in development mode, you should run
+pnpm run build
+pnpm run serve
+## Announcement
+Due to my busy work, I don't have a lot of time to maintain this theme, and currently it's just an usual dependency upgrade.
+This theme is more suitable for developers with experience, you can fork my repository, custom modification.
+For users who don't know how to code, you may encounter problems and feel uncomfortable, I'm happy to help, but if I reply to the delay please forgive me.
diff --git "a/posts/\346\200\273\344\275\223\344\273\213\347\273\215.md" "b/posts/\346\200\273\344\275\223\344\273\213\347\273\215.md"
index ea3d23b..e368983 100644
--- "a/posts/\346\200\273\344\275\223\344\273\213\347\273\215.md"
+++ "b/posts/\346\200\273\344\275\223\344\273\213\347\273\215.md"
@@ -166,239 +166,6 @@ rm -rf ./plugins/rconsole-plugin/
git clone -b 1.6.7-lts https://gitee.com/kyrzy0416/rconsole-plugin.git
-## 🐤 Q&A
-### 📺 B站扫码登录
-命令:`#RBQ`,来自2024/4/1 才子 `Mix` 的命名
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-### 🎵 douyin问题
-👍 **推荐方案** :via 视频教程(由群友 `@麦满分` 录制):https://thumbsnap.com/rKxUGKqp
-👍 **推荐方案**(感谢群友 `@湘潭` 提供的便捷方案):
-1. 打开`https://www.douyin.com/` 扫码登入自己的账号
-2. F12进入控制台,打开`网络/network`
-3. 搜索`www.douyin.com`,把下面的一串cookie复制进去即可
-**备用方案1** :
-1. 打开`https://www.douyin.com/` 扫码登入自己的账号
-2. F12进入控制台,或者下载一个[Cookie-Editor](https://www.crxsoso.com/webstore/detail/hlkenndednhfkekhgcdicdfddnkalmdm)
-3. 如果是F12,就将以下参数填入到`tools.yaml - douyinCookie`,或者使用锅巴
-> odin_tt=xxx;passport_fe_beating_status=xxx;sid_guard=xxx;uid_tt=xxx;uid_tt_ss=xxx;sid_tt=xxx;sessionid=xxx;sessionid_ss=xxx;sid_ucp_v1=xxx;ssid_ucp_v1=xxx;passport_assist_user=xxx;ttwid=xxx;
-3. 如果是`Cookie-Editor`就直接到插件复制到`tools.yaml - douyinCookie`,或者锅巴
-- odin_tt
-- passport_fe_beating_status
-- sid_guard
-- uid_tt
-- uid_tt_ss
-- sid_tt
-- sessionid
-- sessionid_ss
-- sid_ucp_v1
-- ssid_ucp_v1
-- passport_assist_user
-- ttwid
-**备用方案2** (由`@重装小兔`提供)
-1. 下载python
-> 下载链接:[官网](https://www.python.org/) | [微软商店](https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9pjpw5ldxlz5?hl=zh-cn&gl=CN)
-2. 下载:https://gitee.com/OvertimeBunny/tiktok-ck-douying
-3. 扫码后自动获取ck
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-### ✖️ 小蓝鸟问题
-> 2024/2/26 目前的替代方案:使用第三方解析,但是无法解析组图,只能解析单个图片,望周知!
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-### ☀️ 拉格朗日配置
-1. 配置文件,将拉格朗日的配置文件`appsettings.json`中`Implementations`加入一个正向连接`ForwardWebSocket`
- ,如(最好是9091,这样就不用改tools配置文件):
-"Implementations": [
- {
- "Type": "ReverseWebSocket",
- "Host": "",
- "Port": 9090,
- "Suffix": "/onebot/v11/",
- "ReconnectInterval": 5000,
- "HeartBeatInterval": 5000,
- "AccessToken": ""
- },
- {
- "Type": "ForwardWebSocket",
- "Host": "",
- "Port": 9091,
- "HeartBeatInterval": 5000,
- "HeartBeatEnable": true,
- "AccessToken": ""
- }
-2. 在任意群里发送`#设置拉格朗日`,转换一下视频发送方式即可
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-### 微信文章总结 (完全免费总结)
-官方Kimi API 暂时没有看到可以联网搜索的选项,所以选用开源的[kimi-free-api](https://github.com/LLM-Red-Team/kimi-free-api)
-1. 部署 kimi-free-api
-docker run -it -d --init --name kimi-free-api -p 8000:8000 -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai vinlic/kimi-free-api:latest
-2. 更改下面两个选项,自行修改 `tools.yaml` 或者锅巴:
-aiBaseURL: '' # 用于识图的接口,kimi默认接口为:https://api.moonshot.cn,其他服务商自己填写
-aiApiKey: '' # 用于识图的api key,kimi接口申请:https://platform.moonshot.cn/console/api-keys
-- aiBaseURL:你服务器的地址部署的`kimi-free-api`,例如:http://localhost:8000
-- aiApiKey:kimi 的 `refresh_token` (F12 -> 应用(Application) -> Local Storage -> `https://kimi.moonshot.cn` -> 找到)
-3. 开始游玩
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-### 🍠 小红书的 Cookie 问题
-小红书导出 cookie 最佳实践,由群友 `@辰` 提供解决方案:
-1. 下一个 `Cookie-Editor`
-> - Chrome:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hlkenndednhfkekhgcdicdfddnkalmdm
-> - Edge:
- > https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/cookieeditor/neaplmfkghagebokkhpjpoebhdledlfi
-> - 国内直通:https://www.crxsoso.com/webstore/detail/hlkenndednhfkekhgcdicdfddnkalmdm
-2. 进入小红书 - 注册 - 点击 `Cookie-Editor` 的导出 `Header String`
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-### 📺 关于使用 BBDown 下载
-- Linux教程:https://pwa.sspai.com/post/83345
-- Windows教程:https://github.com/nilaoda/BBDown/issues/305
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-### ⬇️ 关于使用下载方式
-- 轻量
-apt install wget
-apt install axel
-- 稳定(无须安装任何东西)
-- 性能
-apt install aria2
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-### ✈️ 关于小飞机解析
-1. 下载 `Release`
-> https://github.com/iyear/tdl
-2. 放到环境变量,Linux用户可以直接解压放到`/usr/local/bin`下
-3. 登录,官方提供了三种登录方式
-4. 添加信任用户(下面分别是设置、查看所有、查看特定信任用户),⚠️ 使用引用的方法去使用命令
-5. 开始使用!
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-### 🐧 关于使用 ICQQ
-👍 群友`@非酋`推荐(经过大量测试得出):icqq建议设置 `27MB` 转群文件
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-### 🧑🌾 关于百度翻译
-> `百度翻译`api:https://fanyi-api.baidu.com/doc/21
-> 注册完填入方式参考上方注释url (config/tools.yaml);另外,有群友反馈百度翻译需要充钱才能使用!
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-### 🪄 关于魔法
-> (非必要不更改)更改魔法在`config/tools.yaml` 或 [锅巴插件](https://gitee.com/guoba-yunzai/guoba-plugin)的配置位置:
-`proxyAddr: '' # 魔法地址`
-`proxyPort: '7890' # 魔法端口`
-> 海外服务器示例:
-> 直接发送`#设置海外解析`
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## 🤺 R插件交流群