Client for using RSA encryption.
To use the client you need to get USER ID and TOKEN. After receiving the data, click Connect. The second user must do the same.
To get a token, click Get TOKEN.
- Click Allow.
- Copy the part of the address bar from access_token= to &expires_in.
To get a USER ID, go to the page of the user with whom you want to start a dialogue and copy his id from the address bar.
You need to take only '123456789'
User's ID must be in the form of numbers. If the user has a custom ID, then you need to get a real (digital) one.
The VK ID is an identifier of a user or community. The user profile URL looks like, where XXXXXX is the profile ID. You can see the ID in your browser’s address bar. If the profile or has an alphanumeric short name, the ID can be found as such: open any photo of a user and check the URL: the first numbers after the word “photo” (XXXXXX in a URL like is the ID you’re looking for.
After using the client, the folder will contain .bin .db .pem files. To quickly remove them, click Clean.
- Make sure that the dialogue with the user has already begun.
- Make sure both you and the user have private messages open.
Make sure you have Python 3.7+
to-requirements.txt allows to automatically add modules to requirements.txt installing them using pip.
pip install to-requirements.txt
Create a .exe on Windows with pyinstaller.
pyinstaller --noconfirm --onedir -F --windowed --add-data "<CustomTkinter Location>/customtkinter;customtkinter/" "<Path to Python Script>"
GPLv3, see LICENSE for additional info.