Just simple gdb switcher between peda, gef, pwndbg and radare2
- hugsy/gef: Multi-Architecture GDB Enhanced Features for Exploiters & Reverse-Engineers
- longld/peda: PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB
- pwndbg/pwndbg: Exploit Development and Reverse Engineering with GDB Made Easy
- radare/radare2: unix-like reverse engineering framework and commandline tools
$ gdbs executable
[*] Which debugger ?
1 : Legacy GDB
2 : peda
3 : gef
4 : pwndbg
5 : radare2
Select {1,2,3,4,5}
[+] gdb-switch => debugger
[+] debugger execution
Reading symbols from ./executable...done.
$ gdbs
[*] Which debugger ?
1 : Legacy GDB
2 : peda
3 : gef
4 : pwndbg
5 : radare2
[+] gdb-switch => peda
$ ❯ gdb -q ./executable
Reading symbols from ./executable...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Bash in Ubuntu
Clone gdb-switcher
$ git clone https://github.com/2O2L2H/gdb-switcher.git
Install debugger only if those are not installed before.
$ ./install.sh
The script adds gdbs()
function in ~/.bashrc
If you have your own configuration, add your config in ~/.gdbinit-my
$ ./setup.sh
Just delete the added function gdbs()
at the end of ~/.bashrc
# gdbs : gdb-switcher
function gdbs() {
echo -e "\n[*] Which debugger ?"