Aim to make a voxel engine that is the modernized version of voxlap using C++ and Vulkan. The final aim is to make a game that can have 64,000 voxel render distances with players being 16x4x4 voxels and 512 concurrent players on a single server.
The current codebase is organized for maintainability and extensibility while laying the groundwork for future scaling:
├── core/ # Core engine systems
│ ├── Engine.h/cpp # Main engine class (simplified)
│ ├── Window.h/cpp # Window management
│ └── GameLoop.h/cpp # Main loop and timing
├── vulkan/ # Vulkan systems
│ ├── core/
│ │ ├── VulkanContext.h/cpp # Instance & device management
│ │ ├── SwapChain.h/cpp # Swap chain management
│ │ └── CommandPool.h/cpp # Command buffer management
│ ├── memory/
│ │ ├── Allocator.h/cpp # Memory allocation
│ │ └── Buffer.h/cpp # Buffer management
│ └── pipeline/
│ ├── Pipeline.h/cpp # Graphics pipeline
│ └── RenderPass.h/cpp # Render pass management
├── renderer/ # High-level rendering
│ ├── Renderer.h/cpp # Main renderer (simplified)
│ ├── RenderQueue.h/cpp # Command scheduling
│ └── Mesh.h/cpp # Mesh handling
├── voxel/ # Voxel engine core
│ ├── World.h/cpp # World management
│ ├── Chunk.h/cpp # Chunk system
│ ├── ChunkManager.h/cpp # Chunk loading/unloading
│ └── VoxelTypes.h/cpp # Voxel definitions
├── graphics/ # Graphics utilities
│ ├── Camera.h/cpp # Camera system
│ ├── Shader.h/cpp # Shader management
│ └── Material.h/cpp # Material system
└── utils/ # Core utilities
├── Logger.h/cpp # Logging system
├── ThreadPool.h/cpp # Basic thread management
├── Profiler.h/cpp # Performance tracking
└── ResourceManager.h/cpp # Resource management
// vulkan/core/VulkanContext.h
class VulkanContext {
VkInstance instance;
VkDevice device;
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice;
QueueFamilyIndices queueFamilies;
void init();
void cleanup();
VkDevice getDevice() const { return device; }
// vulkan/core/CommandPool.h
class CommandPool {
VkCommandPool pool;
std::vector<VkCommandBuffer> buffers;
VkCommandBuffer beginSingleTimeCommands();
void endSingleTimeCommands(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
// vulkan/memory/Allocator.h
class VulkanAllocator {
struct Allocation {
VkDeviceMemory memory;
size_t offset;
size_t size;
std::vector<VkDeviceMemory> memoryPools;
Allocation allocate(VkMemoryRequirements reqs);
void free(const Allocation& alloc);
// vulkan/memory/Buffer.h
class Buffer {
VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
size_t size;
void create(VkDeviceSize size, VkBufferUsageFlags usage);
void* map();
void unmap();
// renderer/RenderQueue.h
class RenderQueue {
struct RenderCommand {
std::function<void(VkCommandBuffer)> execute;
float sortKey;
std::vector<RenderCommand> commands;
void submit(const RenderCommand& cmd);
void sort();
void execute(VkCommandBuffer cmd);
// voxel/Chunk.h
class Chunk {
static constexpr int CHUNK_SIZE = 16;
std::array<Voxel, CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE> voxels;
glm::ivec3 position;
Voxel& getVoxel(int x, int y, int z);
void setVoxel(int x, int y, int z, const Voxel& voxel);
void generateMesh();
// voxel/ChunkManager.h
class ChunkManager {
std::unordered_map<glm::ivec3, std::unique_ptr<Chunk>, Vec3Hash> chunks;
ThreadPool& threadPool;
void updateChunks(const glm::vec3& playerPos);
void loadChunk(const glm::ivec3& pos);
void unloadChunk(const glm::ivec3& pos);
// utils/ThreadPool.h
class ThreadPool {
std::vector<std::thread> workers;
std::queue<std::function<void()>> tasks;
std::mutex queueMutex;
std::condition_variable condition;
void enqueue(std::function<void()> task);
void waitIdle();
// utils/Profiler.h
class Profiler {
struct Metric {
std::string name;
double value;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point timestamp;
CircularBuffer<Metric> metrics;
void beginFrame();
void endFrame();
void addMetric(const std::string& name, double value);
The planned architecture to support 64,000 voxel render distances and 512 players:
├── core/ # Core engine systems
│ ├── Engine.h/cpp # Main engine coordinator
│ ├── Window.h/cpp # Window management
│ └── Config.h/cpp # Engine configuration
├── vulkan/ # High-performance Vulkan systems
│ ├── core/
│ │ ├── VulkanContext.h/cpp # Vulkan instance & device
│ │ ├── SwapChain.h/cpp # Presentation management
│ │ └── CommandManager.h/cpp # Command buffer management
│ ├── memory/
│ │ ├── ChunkAllocator.h/cpp # Specialized chunk memory management
│ │ ├── StreamingAllocator.h/cpp # Streaming memory for distant chunks
│ │ └── GPUMemoryPool.h/cpp # GPU memory management
│ ├── pipeline/
│ │ ├── ChunkPipeline.h/cpp # Specialized voxel rendering pipeline
│ │ ├── LODPipeline.h/cpp # Level of detail pipeline
│ │ └── ComputePipeline.h/cpp # Compute-based optimizations
│ └── compute/
│ ├── MeshGenerator.h/cpp # GPU-accelerated mesh generation
│ ├── ChunkCompressor.h/cpp # Chunk data compression
│ └── OcclusionCuller.h/cpp # Compute-based occlusion culling
├── voxel/ # Voxel engine core
│ ├── world/
│ │ ├── World.h/cpp # World management
│ │ ├── WorldPartition.h/cpp # World space partitioning
│ │ └── WorldStreamer.h/cpp # Streaming world management
│ ├── chunk/
│ │ ├── Chunk.h/cpp # Chunk data structure
│ │ ├── ChunkManager.h/cpp # Chunk lifecycle management
│ │ ├── ChunkMesh.h/cpp # Mesh generation
│ │ ├── ChunkLOD.h/cpp # Level of detail system
│ │ └── ChunkCache.h/cpp # Chunk data caching
│ ├── streaming/
│ │ ├── StreamingManager.h/cpp # Manages chunk streaming
│ │ ├── ChunkLoader.h/cpp # Asynchronous chunk loading
│ │ └── ChunkCompression.h/cpp # Chunk data compression
│ └── physics/
│ ├── VoxelCollision.h/cpp # Voxel-based collision
│ └── PlayerPhysics.h/cpp # Player movement & collision
├── network/ # Networking for 512 players
│ ├── core/
│ │ ├── NetworkManager.h/cpp # Network management
│ │ └── Protocol.h/cpp # Network protocol
│ ├── client/
│ │ ├── ClientNetwork.h/cpp # Client networking
│ │ └── Prediction.h/cpp # Client-side prediction
│ └── server/
│ ├── ServerNetwork.h/cpp # Server networking
│ ├── PlayerManager.h/cpp # Manage 512 players
│ └── WorldSync.h/cpp # World state synchronization
├── threading/ # Advanced threading
│ ├── ThreadPool.h/cpp # Thread management
│ ├── JobSystem.h/cpp # Task scheduling
│ ├── WorkStealingQueue.h/cpp # Work stealing scheduler
│ └── AsyncTasks.h/cpp # Async task management
└── optimization/ # Performance optimization
├── MemoryOptimizer.h/cpp # Memory usage optimization
├── ChunkOptimizer.h/cpp # Chunk optimization
├── LODManager.h/cpp # LOD system
└── Profiler.h/cpp # Performance profiling
// vulkan/compute/MeshGenerator.h
class ComputeMeshGenerator {
struct ChunkMeshTask {
glm::ivec3 position;
int lodLevel;
VkBuffer voxelData;
VkBuffer outputMesh;
VkPipeline computePipeline;
std::vector<VkDescriptorSet> descriptorSets;
void generateMeshes(const std::vector<ChunkMeshTask>& tasks);
void dispatchCompute(const ChunkMeshTask& task);
// vulkan/memory/ChunkAllocator.h
class ChunkMemoryManager {
struct MemoryPool {
VkDeviceMemory memory;
std::vector<size_t> freeBlocks;
size_t totalSize;
size_t usedSize;
std::vector<MemoryPool> pools;
void* allocateChunkMemory(size_t size);
void freeChunkMemory(void* ptr);
void defragment();
// voxel/chunk/ChunkLOD.h
class ChunkLOD {
struct LODLevel {
int resolution;
float distance;
bool useCompression;
static constexpr int MAX_LOD_LEVELS = 8;
std::array<LODLevel, MAX_LOD_LEVELS> lodLevels;
int calculateLOD(float distanceFromPlayer);
void optimizeMesh(Chunk& chunk, int lodLevel);
// network/server/PlayerManager.h
class PlayerManager {
static constexpr size_t MAX_PLAYERS = 512;
struct PlayerState {
glm::vec3 position;
glm::vec3 velocity;
uint32_t chunkRegion;
std::vector<uint32_t> visiblePlayers;
std::array<PlayerState, MAX_PLAYERS> players;
OctreePartition<PlayerState*> playerPartition;
void updatePlayer(uint32_t playerId, const PlayerState& state);
std::vector<uint32_t> getVisiblePlayers(uint32_t playerId);
- Work stealing scheduler
- Priority-based task system
- Lock-free data structures
- Thread pool optimization
- Parallel chunk processing
- Advanced profiling
- Memory tracking
- Performance analysis
- Automated optimization
- Dynamic LOD adjustment
- Basic Vulkan rendering pipeline
- Simple chunk management
- Basic voxel world generation
- Fundamental memory management
- Basic threading support
- Improved memory allocation
- Enhanced thread pool
- Better resource management
- Optimized render queue
- Basic profiling system
- LOD system implementation
- Chunk streaming
- GPU-accelerated mesh generation
- Memory optimization
- Advanced profiling
- Basic networking
- Player management
- World synchronization
- Client prediction
- 64,000 voxel render distance
- 512 concurrent players
- Advanced LOD and streaming
- Full networking implementation
- Performance optimization
- Focus on clean, maintainable code
- Proper separation of concerns
- Basic thread safety
- Foundation for future optimizations
- Clear upgrade paths
- Heavy optimization focus
- Advanced memory management
- Sophisticated threading
- Network scalability
- Performance-critical systems
[To be added: Build instructions, dependencies, etc.]