Python proof of concept for BCHOL.
Solves for x in Ax = b, using the Recursive Schur Linear Quadratic Regulator explained in the paper A Parallell Linear System Solver for Optimal Control by Brian E.Jackson. It requires A to be a positive semi-definite matrix to guarantee a good result.
This method is part of the Python implementation of trajectory optimization (trajopt) algorithms and model predictive control (MPC). Learn more about different TrajoptMPC here.
The following libraries (Numpy, Scipy) are included in the requirments.txt and can be downloaded with the following command
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you already have a defined LQR problem in a KKT form in a saved file .json/.csv you can look at
for an example. The program will return the solution in two forms:
- Flattened dxul vector
- Brian Jackson's format as mentioned in the paper [lambda_i ; x_i; u_i]
If you just have an A matrix and a b vector look at
for an example.
Both files will return an xyz solution vector in dxul.
Author: Yana Botvinnik Contact: