This repository contains the code and models from the paper:
Robustness Distributionsin Neural Network Verification
Author(s): [Your Name(s)]
Published in: [Conference/Journal Name, Year]
This repository provides:
- Pre-trained models in ONNX format.
- PyTorch implementations for training and verification of the models.
- Experimentation scripts and instructions for reproducing results on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and GTSRB datasets.
The aim of this project is to [briefly describe the main objective/purpose of your research or code].
- network_onnx: Network in the onnx formats
- training: Code for the training and PyTorch implementations for the networks
- verification: Code for verifying the networks
This project uses the following external packages:
- VERONA: An open-source package for creating Robustness Distributions.
- adversarial-training-box: An open-source package for adversarial training of neural networks with PyTorch.