This repository contains a Rmarkdown document Adam Reimer created after attending a meeting with ADF&G staff about the log-normal correction in escapement goal analyses.
The network location for this repository is S:\RTS\Reimer\Ricker_mean.
The output document can be viewed at Which Ricker curve is best? (
Files in this repository are:
lnalpha_c sim.R: This represent my 'working copy' for the functions and analyses used in the .qmd document. May not be 100% up to date with .qmd document.
dat_outlier.rds: a small simulated data set with a large outlier used to demonstrate a situation where a naive analyst might prefer to us an uncorrected version of log-alpha when calculating S_msy.
RIcker_mean.qmd: the .qmd file used to produce the summary document.
The other files/folders in this directory are for internal use. Note the _quarto.yml file and .nojekyll files are required to publish to GitHub pages.