A simple bot to automate the process on SubPals What's this?
SubPals is a website which offers you to like and subscribe 20 youtube videos, and you will get 10 new subscribers (it works).
I created a bot using Python and Selenium that completes the task for us.
Register manually at Subpals and then you will be able to run my bot.
REQUIREMENTS: Selenium, Chrome Webdriver.
[+] How to get Selenium? --- Open the cmd and run "pip install selenium"
[+] How to get Chrome Webdriver? --- You can download it from here : https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads.
To create a profile
1.Create a folder on your computer, say C:\chrome-dev-profile. This folder will hold the data for the new profile.
2.Make a copy of the Google Chrome shortcut on your desktop. (Right-click, then Copy.) Name the new shortcut something like Chrome Development.
3.Right-click the Chrome Development shortcut, choose Properties, and paste --user-data-dir=C:\chrome-dev-profile at the end of the Target field. The result might look like this:"C:\Documents and Settings\me\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir=c:\chrome-dev-profile
4.Start Google Chrome by double-clicking the Chrome Development shortcut. This creates the profile data.
2.Insert Your channel ID.
3.Insert Your channel Password.
Note: Make sure ChromeDriver is in the same folder as the script.
Then you can run and enjoy with your new subscribers!