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Features: Highlight key capabilities of your script (e.g., "Automates web tasks like logging in, clicking buttons, scraping data"). Usage: Step-by-step guide on how users can clone, install, and use the script. Example Script: Include example usage, as you've already done. Method Breakdown: Add the table with methods (as we discussed) for reference


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Getting Started with Selenium Automation Script 🖥️

This repository contains a Python script for automating browser interactions using Selenium WebDriver. It provides examples of various Selenium methods to perform tasks such as navigation, element interaction, and more.

🚀 Features

  • Open and interact with web pages.
  • Automate browser actions like clicking, typing, and navigating.
  • Manage browser cookies, alerts, and frames.
  • Perform window and tab management.

📝 Usage

1. Clone the Repository

git clone  

2. Install Dependencies

pip install selenium  

3. Run the Script

Make sure you have ChromeDriver installed and set up before running the script.


📚 Resources

Selenium with Python Guide

Some More Methods

Method Description
get(url) Opens a specified URL in the browser.
minimize_window() Minimizes the current window.
maximize_window() Maximizes the current window.
refresh() Refreshes the current web page.
current_url Retrieves the URL of the current page.
quit() Closes all browser windows and terminates the WebDriver session.
find_element(By.selector) Finds an element using the given selector.
find_elements(By.selector) Finds all elements matching the given selector.
click() Simulates a mouse click on the element.
send_keys(keys) Types the specified keys into an input field.
back() Navigates to the previous page in history.
forward() Moves to the next page in history.
assert "text" in driver.title Validates that the title contains the specified text.
get_title() Gets the title of the current page.
get_window_position() Returns the position of the current window.
get_window_size() Returns the size of the current window.
switch_to.frame() Switches focus to a specified frame.
switch_to.default_content() Switches focus back to the main content.
switch_to.alert() Switches focus to the current alert box.
accept() Accepts the current alert.
dismiss() Dismisses the current alert.
send_keys_to_alert(text) Sends text to the current alert.
get_cookies() Returns all cookies for the current domain.
add_cookie(cookie_dict) Adds a cookie to the current session.
delete_cookie(name) Deletes a specific cookie by name.
delete_all_cookies() Deletes all cookies in the current session.
execute_script(script) Executes a JavaScript script in the context of the current page.
execute_async_script(script) Executes an asynchronous JavaScript script.
get_window_handles() Retrieves all window handles for the current session.
switch_to.window(handle) Switches focus to the window with the given handle.
close() Closes the current window.
get_screenshot_as_file(filename) Captures a screenshot of the current page and saves it to a file.
get_screenshot_as_base64() Captures a screenshot and returns it as a base64-encoded PNG image.
get_screenshot_as_png() Captures a screenshot and returns it as a PNG image.
find_element_by_id(id) Finds an element by its ID attribute.
find_element_by_name(name) Finds an element by its name attribute.
find_element_by_class_name(name) Finds an element by its class name.
find_element_by_tag_name(name) Finds an element by its tag name.
find_element_by_xpath(xpath) Finds an element by its XPath expression.
find_element_by_css_selector(css) Finds an element by its CSS selector.
find_elements_by_id(id) Finds multiple elements by their ID attribute.
find_elements_by_name(name) Finds multiple elements by their name attribute.
find_elements_by_class_name(name) Finds multiple elements by their class name.
find_elements_by_tag_name(name) Finds multiple elements by their tag name.
find_elements_by_xpath(xpath) Finds multiple elements by their XPath expression.
find_elements_by_css_selector(css) Finds multiple elements by their CSS selector.
set_page_load_timeout(time) Sets the amount of time to wait for a page to load before throwing an error.
set_script_timeout(time) Sets the amount of time to wait for a script to finish before throwing an error.
implicitly_wait(time) Sets an implicit wait time for locating elements.
clear() Clears the value of an input element.
is_displayed() Checks if an element is visible on the page.
is_enabled() Checks if an element is enabled.
is_selected() Checks if an element is selected (e.g., checkboxes, radio buttons).
get_attribute(attribute_name) Gets the value of a specified attribute from an element.
get_text() Retrieves the visible text within an element.
get_css_value(property_name) Retrieves the CSS value of a specified property of an element.
submit() Submits a form (similar to clicking the submit button).
scroll_to_element(element) Scrolls the page to bring the specified element into view.
scroll_to_top() Scrolls the page to the top.
scroll_to_bottom() Scrolls the page to the bottom.
wait.until(condition) Waits for a specified condition to be met before proceeding.
alert.text() Retrieves the text of the current alert box.
alert.send_keys(keys) Sends keys to the current alert box.
alert.accept() Accepts the alert.
alert.dismiss() Dismisses the alert.
alert.is_displayed() Checks if an alert is currently displayed.
get_log(type) Retrieves logs of the specified type (e.g., "browser", "driver", etc.).

Build Status License


Features: Highlight key capabilities of your script (e.g., "Automates web tasks like logging in, clicking buttons, scraping data"). Usage: Step-by-step guide on how users can clone, install, and use the script. Example Script: Include example usage, as you've already done. Method Breakdown: Add the table with methods (as we discussed) for reference








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