This repository contains a Python script for automating browser interactions using Selenium WebDriver. It provides examples of various Selenium methods to perform tasks such as navigation, element interaction, and more.
- Open and interact with web pages.
- Automate browser actions like clicking, typing, and navigating.
- Manage browser cookies, alerts, and frames.
- Perform window and tab management.
git clone
pip install selenium
Make sure you have ChromeDriver installed and set up before running the script.
Method | Description |
get(url) |
Opens a specified URL in the browser. |
minimize_window() |
Minimizes the current window. |
maximize_window() |
Maximizes the current window. |
refresh() |
Refreshes the current web page. |
current_url |
Retrieves the URL of the current page. |
quit() |
Closes all browser windows and terminates the WebDriver session. |
find_element(By.selector) |
Finds an element using the given selector. |
find_elements(By.selector) |
Finds all elements matching the given selector. |
click() |
Simulates a mouse click on the element. |
send_keys(keys) |
Types the specified keys into an input field. |
back() |
Navigates to the previous page in history. |
forward() |
Moves to the next page in history. |
assert "text" in driver.title |
Validates that the title contains the specified text. |
get_title() |
Gets the title of the current page. |
get_window_position() |
Returns the position of the current window. |
get_window_size() |
Returns the size of the current window. |
switch_to.frame() |
Switches focus to a specified frame. |
switch_to.default_content() |
Switches focus back to the main content. |
switch_to.alert() |
Switches focus to the current alert box. |
accept() |
Accepts the current alert. |
dismiss() |
Dismisses the current alert. |
send_keys_to_alert(text) |
Sends text to the current alert. |
get_cookies() |
Returns all cookies for the current domain. |
add_cookie(cookie_dict) |
Adds a cookie to the current session. |
delete_cookie(name) |
Deletes a specific cookie by name. |
delete_all_cookies() |
Deletes all cookies in the current session. |
execute_script(script) |
Executes a JavaScript script in the context of the current page. |
execute_async_script(script) |
Executes an asynchronous JavaScript script. |
get_window_handles() |
Retrieves all window handles for the current session. |
switch_to.window(handle) |
Switches focus to the window with the given handle. |
close() |
Closes the current window. |
get_screenshot_as_file(filename) |
Captures a screenshot of the current page and saves it to a file. |
get_screenshot_as_base64() |
Captures a screenshot and returns it as a base64-encoded PNG image. |
get_screenshot_as_png() |
Captures a screenshot and returns it as a PNG image. |
find_element_by_id(id) |
Finds an element by its ID attribute. |
find_element_by_name(name) |
Finds an element by its name attribute. |
find_element_by_class_name(name) |
Finds an element by its class name. |
find_element_by_tag_name(name) |
Finds an element by its tag name. |
find_element_by_xpath(xpath) |
Finds an element by its XPath expression. |
find_element_by_css_selector(css) |
Finds an element by its CSS selector. |
find_elements_by_id(id) |
Finds multiple elements by their ID attribute. |
find_elements_by_name(name) |
Finds multiple elements by their name attribute. |
find_elements_by_class_name(name) |
Finds multiple elements by their class name. |
find_elements_by_tag_name(name) |
Finds multiple elements by their tag name. |
find_elements_by_xpath(xpath) |
Finds multiple elements by their XPath expression. |
find_elements_by_css_selector(css) |
Finds multiple elements by their CSS selector. |
set_page_load_timeout(time) |
Sets the amount of time to wait for a page to load before throwing an error. |
set_script_timeout(time) |
Sets the amount of time to wait for a script to finish before throwing an error. |
implicitly_wait(time) |
Sets an implicit wait time for locating elements. |
clear() |
Clears the value of an input element. |
is_displayed() |
Checks if an element is visible on the page. |
is_enabled() |
Checks if an element is enabled. |
is_selected() |
Checks if an element is selected (e.g., checkboxes, radio buttons). |
get_attribute(attribute_name) |
Gets the value of a specified attribute from an element. |
get_text() |
Retrieves the visible text within an element. |
get_css_value(property_name) |
Retrieves the CSS value of a specified property of an element. |
submit() |
Submits a form (similar to clicking the submit button). |
scroll_to_element(element) |
Scrolls the page to bring the specified element into view. |
scroll_to_top() |
Scrolls the page to the top. |
scroll_to_bottom() |
Scrolls the page to the bottom. |
wait.until(condition) |
Waits for a specified condition to be met before proceeding. |
alert.text() |
Retrieves the text of the current alert box. |
alert.send_keys(keys) |
Sends keys to the current alert box. |
alert.accept() |
Accepts the alert. |
alert.dismiss() |
Dismisses the alert. |
alert.is_displayed() |
Checks if an alert is currently displayed. |
get_log(type) |
Retrieves logs of the specified type (e.g., "browser", "driver", etc.). |