- Automation of Society Security Tasks – Visitors in a housing society fall in the category of regular visitors lik edrivers, maids, milkman, sweeper, car cleaners, etc who visit on a daily basis and the other category is of infrequent known or unknown visitors ( like guests, delivery boys).
- Record with timestamp registered regular visitors and their temperature check.
This problem has the following dimension
- First time registration of Regular visitors as described above.
- All subsequent visits, visitors data (facial recognition) should be captured using a continuous camera feed along with their body temperature also recorded in the solution.
- The facial recognition should take care of visual changes in appearance of a person say with or without beard/moustache, glasses, raincoat or even helmet.
- The solution should also present a end of day report.
- Temperature reading of the visitor also needs to be done. This can be done either with a separate device or a single device for camera and temperature both. However please note that an integrated solution should be presented with no manual intervention for either temperature / face recording.
- Raspberry pi 4b
- Pi Camera
- MLX90614 for Contactless Temperature Sensor.
- OS: RaspbianOS (Linux type)
- Python in jupyter notebook
- Method: Convolutional Neural Networks
- Packages for Face and Mask Recogniton : Opencv, Tensorflow, Keras, pyzbar, face_recognition
- Tkinter for local GUI, PHP for webapp.
- MySQL for database
- Completely Contactless System.
- Facial Identification both while wearing and not wearing a mask meaning a person does'nt need to remove his/her mask to get identified.
- Temperature Checking.
- Live website to monitor and display real time information about visitors.
- Standalone system and along with local cache.
- Data of both valid and invalid visits stored.
- Regular cleaning of both cache data and visitor photos for storage management.
- Face Recognition by Behic Guven
- Face Mask Detection by balajisrinivas