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Python, created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, is widely used in web development, data science, AI, and more. Refer to this Python cheatsheet by Aarya for a quick guide.

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Showing Output To User

The print function is used to display or print output as follows:

print("Content that you wanna print on screen")

We can display the content present in an object using the print function as follows:

var1 = "Aarya"
print("Hi my name is: ", var1)
print(f"Hi my name is {var1}") #using f string method

Taking Input From the User

The input function is used to take input as a string or character from the user as follows:

var1 = input("Enter your name: ")
print("My name is: ", var1)

To take input in the form of other data types we need to typecast them as follows:

To take input as an integer:

var1 = int(input("Enter the integer value: "))

To take input as a float:

var1 = float(input("Enter the float value: "))
#similar to int and float we also have char, str etc

Python Data Types

Numeric Types

  • int: Integer numbers.

    x = 5
  • float: Floating-point numbers (decimals).

    y = 5.5
  • complex: Complex numbers.

    z = 1 + 2j

Sequence Types

  • str: String of characters.

    name = "Alice"
  • list: Ordered, mutable collection.

    fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
  • tuple: Ordered, immutable collection.

    point = (10, 20)

Mapping Type

  • dict: Key-value pairs, unordered.
    person = {"name": "Alice", "age": 25}

Set Types

  • set: Unordered collection of unique elements.

    unique_numbers = {1, 2, 3}
  • frozenset: Immutable version of set.

    frozen_numbers = frozenset([1, 2, 3])

Boolean Type

  • bool: True or False.
    is_active = True

None Type

  • NoneType: Represents the absence of value.
    unknown = None

range Function

The range function returns a sequence of numbers, e.g., numbers starting from 0 to n-1 for range(0, n).

range(int_start_value, int_stop_value, int_step_value)

Here the start value and step value are by default 1 if not mentioned by the programmer, but int_stop_value is a compulsory parameter in the range function. also note that int_start_value is inclusive whereas int_stop_value is exclusive

Example - Display all even numbers between 1 to 100:

for i in range(0, 101, 2):


Comments are used to make the code more understandable for programmers, and they are not executed by the compiler or interpreter.

Single line comment

# This is a single line comment

Multi-line comment

'''This is a

Escape Sequence

An escape sequence is a sequence of characters; it doesn't represent itself (but is translated into another character) when used inside a string literal or character. Some of the escape sequence characters are as follows:

Newline Character: using newline character we can jump to next line, i.e. the code \n will execute in new line


Backslash: It adds a backslash


Single Quote: It adds a single quotation mark


Tab: It gives a tab space


Backspace: It adds a backspace


Octal value: It represents the value of an octal number


Hex value: It represents the value of a hex number


Carriage Return

Carriage return or \r will just work as you have shifted your cursor to the beginning of the string or line.



Python string is a sequence of characters, and each character can be individually accessed using its index. You can create Strings by enclosing text in both forms of quotes - single quotes or double quotes.

variable_name = "String Data"


str = "Aarya"
print("String is ", str)


The position of every character placed in the string starts from 0th position and step by step it ends at length-1 position. Python List Indexing

Python Slicing

Slicing is a technique in Python used to extract a portion of a sequence (like a string, list, or tuple) by specifying a start index, an end index (exclusive), and an optional step size.


  • start: The index where the slice begins (inclusive).
  • end: The index where the slice ends (exclusive).
  • step (optional): The increment between characters or elements in the slice.


text = "Hello, World!"

# Extract substring from index 0 to 5 (exclusive).
substring1 = text[0:5]
print(substring1)  # Output: "Hello"

# Omit start index (starts from beginning).
substring2 = text[:5]
print(substring2)  # Output: "Hello"

# Extract substring from index 7 to end of string.
substring3 = text[7:]
print(substring3)  # Output: "World!"

# Negative index to count from end of string.
substring4 = text[-6:]
print(substring4)  # Output: "World!"

# Extract every other character.
substring5 = text[::2]
print(substring5)  # Output: "Hlo ol!"

# Reverse the string.
substring6 = text[::-1]
print(substring6)  # Output: "!dlroW ,olleH"

String Methods

  • isalnum(): Returns True if all the characters in the string are alphanumeric, else False.
  • isalpha(): Returns True if all the characters in the string are alphabets.
  • isdecimal(): Returns True if all the characters in the string are decimals.
  • isdigit(): Returns True if all the characters in the string are digits.
  • islower(): Returns True if all characters in the string are lower case.
  • isspace(): Returns True if all characters in the string are whitespaces.
  • isupper(): Returns True if all characters in the string are upper case.
  • lower(): Converts a string into lower case equivalent.
  • upper(): Converts a string into upper case equivalent.
  • strip(): It removes leading and trailing spaces in the string.


A List in Python represents a list of comma-separated values of any data type between square brackets.

var_name = [element1, element2, ...]

These elements can be of different data types.

The position of every element placed in the list starts from 0th position and step by step it ends at length-1 position.

List is ordered, indexed, mutable and the most flexible and dynamic collection of elements in Python.

List Methods

-Empty list: This method allows you to create an empty list.

my_list = []
  • index: Returns the index of the first element with the specified value.
  • append: Adds an element at the end of the list.
  • extend: Add the elements of a given list (or any iterable) to the end of the current list.
  • insert: Adds an element at the specified position.
list.insert(position, element)
  • pop: Removes the element at the specified position and returns it.
  • remove: Removes the first occurrence of a given item from the list.
  • clear: Removes all the elements from the list.
  • count: Returns the number of elements with the specified value.
  • reverse: Reverses the order of the list.
  • sort: Sorts the list.


Tuples are represented as comma-separated values of any data type within parentheses.

Tuple Creation

variable_name = (element1, element2, ...)

These elements can be of different data types.

The position of every element placed in the tuple starts from 0th position and step by step it ends at length-1 position.

Tuples are ordered, indexed, immutable, and the most secured collection of elements.

Tuple Methods

Tuples in Python are immutable, meaning their contents cannot be changed after creation. While methods that modify data (like append(), insert(), remove(), pop(), sort(), reverse()) are exclusive to lists, you can safely use other methods with tuples:

  • Querying Methods:

    • count(value): Returns the number of occurrences of value.
    • index(value): Returns the index of the first occurrence of value.
  • Utility Methods:

    • len(): Returns the number of items in the tuple.
    • min(): Returns the smallest item in the tuple.
    • max(): Returns the largest item in the tuple.
  • Iteration and Membership Checking:

    • Use for loops to iterate over tuple elements.
    • Check membership with in and not in.


my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 2, 4)

# Querying methods
count_twos = my_tuple.count(2)  # Output: 2
index_two = my_tuple.index(2)   # Output: 1

# Utility methods
tuple_length = len(my_tuple)    # Output: 5
min_value = min(my_tuple)       # Output: 1
max_value = max(my_tuple)       # Output: 4

# Iteration and membership checking
for item in my_tuple:

if 3 in my_tuple:
    print("3 is present in the tuple")
    print("3 is not present in the tuple")

For more details, refer to the PDF.


A set is a collection of multiple values which is both unordered and unindexed. It is written in curly brackets.

Set Creation

Way 1:

var_name = {element1, element2, ...}

Way 2:

var_name = set([element1, element2, ...])

Set is unordered, immutable, and non-indexed type of collection. Duplicate elements are not allowed in sets.

Set Methods

  • add: Adds an element to a set.
  • clear: Removes all elements from a set.
  • discard: Removes the specified item from the set.
  • intersection: Returns intersection of two or more sets.
set.intersection(set1, set2 ... etc)
  • issubset: Checks if a set is a subset of another set.
  • pop: Removes an element from the set.
  • remove: Removes the specified element from the set.
  • union: Returns the union of two or more sets.
set.union(set1, set2...)

For more details, refer to the PDF.


The dictionary is an unordered set of comma-separated key:value pairs, within {}, with the requirement that within a dictionary, no two keys can be the same.

Dictionary Creation

<dictionary-name> = {<key>: value, <key>: value ...}

Dictionary is an ordered and mutable collection of elements. Dictionary allows duplicate values but not duplicate keys.

Dictionary Methods

  • Empty Dictionary:By using this method you can create an empty dictionary.
my_dict = {}
  • Adding Key/Value Pair:This method adds the key-value pair to the dictionary.
my_dict[key] = value
  • Accessing Dictionary Items:To access the elements from a dictionary we use the key name.
  • clear: Removes all elements from the dictionary.
  • copy: Returns a copy of the dictionary.
  • fromkeys: Returns a dictionary with the specified keys and value.
dict.fromkeys(keys, value)
  • get: Returns the value of the specified key.
dict.get(key, default=None)
  • items: Returns a list containing a tuple for each key-value pair.
  • keys: Returns a list containing the dictionary's keys.
  • pop: Removes the element with the specified key.
  • popitem: Removes the last inserted key-value pair.
  • setdefault: Returns the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist, insert the key, with the specified value.
dict.setdefault(key, default=None)
  • update: Updates the dictionary with the specified key-value pairs.
  • values: Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary.

For more details, refer to the PDF.

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements help us to execute some particular block of statements if the specified condition is True.

if Statement

if <condition>:


if 5 > 2:
    print("5 is greater than 2")

if-else Statement

if <condition>:


if 5 > 2:
    print("5 is greater than 2")
    print("5 is not greater than 2")

if-elif-else Statement

if <condition>:
elif <condition>:


x = 3
if x > 2:
    print("x is greater than 2")
elif x == 2:
    print("x is equal to 2")
    print("x is less than 2")

Nested if-else Statement

if (conditional expression):
    if (conditional expression):


a = 15
b = 20
c = 12
if (a > b and a > c):
    print(a, "is greatest")
elif (b > c and b > a):
    print(b, "is greatest")
    print(c, "is greatest")


Loops are used to repeat a block of code multiple times.

for Loop

The for loop of Python is designed to process the items of any sequence, such as a list or a string, one by one.

for <variable> in <sequence>:


for i in range(5):

while Loop

A while loop is a conditional loop that will repeat the instructions within itself as long as a conditional remains true.

while <condition>:


i = 0
while i < 5:
    i += 1

Break Statement

The break statement enables a program to skip over a part of the code. A break statement terminates the very loop it lies within.

for <var> in <sequence>:
    if <condition>:
        break #therefore every line of code after this break statement will not get execute.

Continue Statement

The continue statement skips the rest of the loop statements and causes the next iteration to occur.

for <var> in <sequence>:
    if <condition>:
        continue #therefore here statements after continue will get execute


A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. You can pass parameters into a function. It helps us to make our code more organized and manageable.

Defining a Function

Functions are defined using the def keyword followed by the function name and optional parameters:

def greet(name):
    return f"Hello, {name}!"

Calling a Function

To use a function, call it by its name and provide necessary arguments:

message = greet("Charlie")
print(message)  # Output: "Hello, Charlie!"

Return Values

Functions can return values using the return statement:

def multiply(a, b):
    return a * b

product = multiply(4, 6)
print(product)  # Output: 24

Parameters vs Arguments

  • Parameters: Variables defined in the function's declaration to receive values and they act as placeholders for values that the function expects to receive when it is called (i.e. argument).
  • Arguments: Actual values passed to a function when it is called.
def greet(name):  # 'name' is a parameter
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

greet("Alice")  # "Alice" is an argument
def add(x, y):  # 'x' and 'y' are parameters
    return x + y

result = add(3, 5)  # 3 and 5 are arguments
print(result)  # Output: 8

Therefore Parameters define what kind of data a function can accept, while arguments are the actual data passed to the function when called. This distinction allows functions to be versatile and reusable in Python programming.

Ways to Import Modules in Python

This section outlines different techniques for importing modules in Python:

  • Simple Import:

    • Import the entire module and access its contents using dot notation.
    import module_name
  • Import with Alias:

    • Import a module with an alias to shorten its name.
    import module_name as alias
  • Import Specific Items:

    • Import specific functions or variables from a module to use them directly.
    from module_name import function_name, variable_name
  • Import All Items (Not Recommended):

    • Import all functions and variables from a module (not recommended due to potential namespace clashes).
    from module_name import *
  • Conditional Import:

    • Import a module conditionally based on some condition.
    if condition:
        import module_name
        import alternative_module as module_name
  • Dynamic Import:

    • Import a module dynamically based on a string name.
    module_name = __import__('module_name')

    For more modules and advanced usage, explore additional resources online or search on Google.

File Handling

File handling refers to reading or writing data from files. Python provides some functions that allow us to manipulate data in the files.

Open Function:

var_name = open("file name", " mode")


  • r: to read the content from file
  • w: to write the content into file
  • a: to append the existing content into file
  • r+: To read and write data into the file. The previous data in the file will be overridden.
  • w+: To write and read data. It will override existing data.
  • a+: To append and read data from the file. It won’t override existing data.

Close Function:


Read Functions:

  • read(): returns one big string
  • readlines(): returns a list
  • readline(): returns one line at a time

Write Function:

write()  # Used to write a fixed sequence of characters to a file


In Python, we have two ways to handle files. In the first way, we do not need to close the file we opened, but in the second way, we have to close the file we opened.

#1st way:
with open('file.txt', 'w') as f:
    f.write("Hello, World!")
#2nd way:
var_name = open("file name", " mode")

Exception Handling

Exception handling in Python allows you to manage and respond to errors that may occur during program execution.


    # Code that might raise an exception
except ExceptionType1:
    # Handle ExceptionType1
except ExceptionType2:
    # Handle ExceptionType2
except ExceptionType3:
    # Handle ExceptionType3
    # Optional else block
    # Executes if no exceptions were raised in the try block
    # Optional finally block
    # Executes whether an exception occurred or not
    # Useful for cleanup actions like closing files or releasing resources

Types of Exception handling:

    # Code that might raise different exceptions
except ZeroDivisionError:
    # Handle division by zero error
except IndexError:
    # Handle index out of range error
except FileNotFoundError:
    # Handle file not found error
except KeyError:
    # Handel Key errors

Local and Global Variables in Python

In Python, variables can have different scopes, primarily categorized into two main types: local and global.

1. Local Variables:

  • Definition:
    • Local variables are defined within a function and are only accessible within that function.
    • They have a limited scope and are not visible or usable outside the function.
    • Local variables are created when the function is called and destroyed when the function exits.


def my_function():
    # This is a local variable
    x = 10
    print("Inside the function: x =", x)


In this example, x is a local variable within the my_function function. It can only be accessed and used within the function.

2. Global Variables:

  • Definition:
    • Global variables are defined outside of any function and are accessible from any part of the code, both inside and outside functions.
    • They have a broader scope and can be used throughout the entire program.


# This is a global variable
y = 20

def my_function():
    # Accessing the global variable within the function
    print("Inside the function: y =", y)


# We can also access y outside the function
print("Outside the function: y =", y)

In this example, y is a global variable defined outside the function my_function. It can be accessed both inside and outside the function without any issues.

Modifying Global Variables:

  • Usage of global Keyword:
    • To modify the value of a global variable from within a function, use the global keyword to indicate that you are working with the global variable.


z = 30

def modify_global_variable():
    global z  # Use the 'global' keyword to modify the global variable
    z = 40

print("Modified global variable z =", z)

In this example, the global keyword is used inside the modify_global_variable function to modify the global variable z. As a result, the value of z is changed to 40.

Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

It is a programming approach that primarily focuses on using objects and classes. The objects can be any real-world entities. Slidesgo Workshop

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For more detailed explanations and examples, refer to W3Schools Python Tutorial


Python, created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, is widely used in web development, data science, AI, and more. Refer to this Python cheatsheet by Aarya for a quick guide.







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