On-Screen RGB (Red, Green, Blue) Detector is an innovative approach that enables on-screen colour detection with few hand gestures. Sometimes you need to know the RGB value of a picture or anything else, then you are in the right place. The On Screen RGB Detector measures the RGB color value of **every single pixel** on your computer screen **live** by following the cursor/mouse pointer position along with the pixel coordinates.
Application is built using Python programing language (3.10) and Tkinter framework for Graphical User Interface (GUI).
R, G, B = 255, 255, 255 (Absolute white)
R, G, B = 0, 0, 0 (Absolute black)
Respectively for all colors :
R or G or B is (255)
Represent Maximum amount of that color -
R or G or B is ( 0)
Represent Minimum amount of that color
- Measurement of RGB colours by following the position of cursor/mouse pointer with pixel coordinate live
- Readings are captured by keystrokes for user convenience
- RGB values are automatically copied to clipboard
Your computer must be running Python3 or newer.
The script requires Tkinter library installed.
- Open Terminal and run
pip install tk
to install Tkinter library
- Open Terminal and run
Get the source code
Extract the zip and open main.py in Python IDE to build and run the Calculator app.
Windows users can download the binary release
Your computer must be running Windows 10 or newer.
Install the latest version of the Application. Download v1.2
Feel free to report issues and contribute to this repository
Copyright © Abhijeet kumar. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the CC0-1.0 License.