Portfolio Website - Abhishek Pednekar
This is my personal portfolio site developed using Flask and Sass with a little bit of jQuery. Base layout credits go to Traversy Media.
- Clone the repository -
git clone https://github.com/AbhishekPednekar84/personal-portfolio
- Create and activate a virtual rnvironment
- Install dependencies -
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a .env file (refer to the .env.example file) containing the Flask
values. - To discover and run unit tests -
python -m unittest discover tests
- To evaluate code coverage -
coverage run -m tests.test_app
- To run a coverage report -
coverage report -m
- To run the application -
python app.py
- To run the browser automation tests (on Chrome) - Install the latest Chrome webdriver and run
python -m browser_automation.automation_tests.py
Note: Remember to omit
your virtual environment directory in .coveragerc before running coverage report -m
- Heroku - https://codedisciples.in/flask-heroku.html
- Virtual Private Server -