This is a collection of scripts that interact with the follow functionality offered by the Steem blockchain. This project repository will include all sub-projects that are primarily aimed at utilizing the Follow functionality that Steem offers.
All of these files can be found on GitHub:
This code goes along with Steem post:
Username and password must be set in the config.js.
username – steem username
password – steem password
url - connect to this API sample (wss://
auth_type - one of the several types such as owner or posting
delay - time between broadcast transactions
start – (optional) user to start at (processes in alphanumerical order) this is currently being used across many bots but probably should be set on a per bot basis
Run bot from command line with node start.js
sample_post - permlink of post to upvote
NodeJS Steem/Steemit bot that sends messages as memos to followers or following.
Run bot from command line with node send_memo.js
This bot will send a message to all followers or following. The following parameters must also be set in the config.js file for send_memo:
type - followers|following
message - “message to be sent”
amount – amount of SBD|STEEM to be sent in each transaction
send_memos_to - an array of accounts to send memos to, else false and will default to following/ers specified above
Run bot from command line with node curation.js
curation_type - one string of an order from created, hot or trending
tags - an array of trending tags
vote_percent - (1-100)% of whole vote per upvote
Run bot from command line with node deep_follow.js
todo - make it configurable
Run bot from command line with node follow_back.js
unfollow_nonfollowers - if a user unfollows this account, then unfollow them
Run bot from command line with node follow_trending_authors.js
Run bot from command line with node follow_trending_authors.js
follow_accounts_from - account name to get followers/ing from
accounts_to_follow - this will be ignored if config.steem.follow_accounts_from is not false
follow_accounts_from_type - either following or followers
Run bot from command line with node unfollow.js
generate_contest_winners.js - print html to display valid entries with links to profiles and entry comment
Run bot from command line with node generate_contest_winners.js
config.steem.contest_permlink - permlink to post where contest is being held - must be authored by config.steem.username set above
config.steem.contest_sublink - a comment entry must contain a URL with this sublink (only if require_link true)
config.steem.require_graphic - a comment entry must contain an image to qualify
config.steem.require_link - a comment entry must contain link with sublink to qualify
config.steem.require_followers - contestents must be following to qualify
config.steem.require_resteem - a comment entry must contain an image to qualify
config.steem.filter_by_date - set deadline (date format) for latest update to entries, else false
config.steem.filter_by_accounts - array of disqualified accounts, else false
config.steem.filter_by_disqualified - an array of entry permlinks that are manually disqualified, else false
Run bot from command line with node get_reblogs_steemsql.js
config.steem.steemsql_username = '';
config.steem.steemsql_password = '';
config.steem.steemsql_server = '';
config.steem.steemsql_database = '';