Welcome to the Python Automation Scripts Repository! This repository contains a collection of Python scripts for automating various tasks and processes. These scripts are designed to simplify repetitive tasks and improve productivity.
To run the Python scripts in this repository, you need to have the following installed:
- Python (Latest version recommended)
- PyCharm (Recommended)
- Chromedriver (version may varries based on your web browser)
- Selenium Library (How to install selenium in Python)
- Pandas Library (How to install Pandas in Python)
- Clone or copy this repository to your local machine.
- Install all the Prerequisites libraries
This Python script utilizes the Pandas library to read HTML data from the Wikipedia page titled "List of Game of the Year awards." It extracts a specific table (index 1) from the webpage and saves it as a CSV file named "GameList.csv." The script is designed to automate the extraction and storage of game-related award data from the Wikipedia page in a structured and easily accessible format.
The provided Python script automates web scraping of news titles and links from the Al Jazeera website. It utilizes the Selenium library to interact with the chrome web browser and fetches the most-read news articles from the Al Jazeera homepage. The scraped data is then organized into a Pandas DataFrame and exported to a CSV file named "AutomateNewsAljazeera.csv."
To use the script, ensure you have installed the necessary libraries: Selenium and Pandas. Also, make sure to provide the correct path to the chromedriver.exe (required for Chrome browser automation) or adjust the WebDriver according to your preferred browser.
This Python script demonstrates web scraping of news titles and links from the Al Jazeera website in headless mode using Selenium. The script uses the Chrome WebDriver to fetch the most-read news articles from the Al Jazeera homepage in headless mode.
In headless mode, the web browser runs in the background without displaying a visible window, making the automation process faster and less intrusive.
The scraped data, consisting of article titles and corresponding links, is organized into a Pandas DataFrame and exported to a CSV file named "AutomateNewsAljazeera.csv."
This Python script utilizes the Selenium library for web scraping and automation. It extracts the most-read news titles and links from the Al Jazeera website and stores the data in a CSV file. The script uses the Chrome web driver from the Selenium WebDriver library and employs the Pandas library to organize the extracted data into a DataFrame. The script runs in headless mode (without displaying the browser window) using Chrome options. It is designed to be a self-contained application for automated news extraction from Al Jazeera's website.