- Description
- Setup
- API Documentation (Read this before testing)
- Endpoint 1
- Endpoint 2
- Endpoint 3
- Final Question
This app was built for the Launchpad By Vog code challenge. It uses .NET Web Api and a SQL DB to run a REST Server for a Tic Tac Toe games.
- Make sure you have Docker Compose downloaded on your computer.
- Clone the repository and cd into the project
- run the following commands:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
- The container should now be up and running. Look at the API documentation below to see what http requests you can send.
- The server is only configured for http. Since it is only in development, it has not been configured with SSL yet. Therefore when sending a request to an endpoint use http://localhost:8000/.
- The SQL DB starts up with data pre seeded. Therefore, the database already contains 1 Game object, two Player objects, and 2 Move objects at the starting before any endpoints are called. This is purely for development purposes and will be removed in production.
- To easily test all endpoints, download Postman and follow the API documentation in the next section.
This endpoint allows user to create a new game
POST Request
JSON Body:
"Player1Name": "John",
"Player2Name": "Jacob"
Code: 201 CREATED
"game": {
"id": 1006
"player1": {
"id": 1011,
"name": "John"
"player2": {
"id": 1012,
"name": "Jacob"
"message": "Player 1's turn",
"row0": "[0, 0, 0]",
"row1": "[0, 0, 0]",
"row2": "[0, 0, 0]"
// User tries to send request without Player 1 Name
"errors": {
"Player1Name": [
"The Player1Name field is required."
"type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.1",
"title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
"status": 400,
"traceId": "00-e3d180b5d972604398c5bf08c249d3c8-031f512820293d46-00"
Make sure you note down both player IDs after getting the response back from the server. You will be using these player IDs to register moves in the 2nd endpoint.
This endpoint allows players to register a move
POST Request
JSON Body:
"RowNumber": 0, // Value from 0 to 2
"ColumnNumber": 1, // Value from 0 to 2
"PlayerId": 6
Code: 201 CREATED
"message": "Player 1 has registered their move",
"row0": "[0, 1, 0]",
"row1": "[0, 2, 1]",
"row2": "[0, 0, 0]"
// Player tries to enter a column number less than 0 or greater than 2
"errors": {
"ColumnNumber": [
"The field ColumnNumber must be between 0 and 2."
"type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.1",
"title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
"status": 400,
"traceId": "00-ae40bbcb8ecc634bb0bd8a62543bcd8d-eef240c42231ce43-00"
// Player tries to register two moves in a row without waiting for opponent
Wait for opponent to make a move before you play
This endpoint return a list of all the active games with their player names and the number of registered moves.
GET Request
Code: 200 OK
"gameId": 3,
"status": -1,
"numberOfMoves": 0,
"player1Name": "Brian",
"player2Name": "Jacob"
{ error: "internal server error" }
If this is the first endpoint you call, you might expect it to return an empty array as you have not created a game yet. However, for testing purposes some data is seeded into the database when the container starts up. Therefore, you will see one active game (created during seeding) in the array
Question: What is the appropriate OAuth 2/OIDC grant to use for a web application using a SPA (Single Page Application) and why.
The problem with using OAuth 2 for a single-page web application is that the entire source code is available to the browser. This means that the Client Secret can not be stored securely. To mitigate this problem, we have to use a grant type called Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). This is significantly more secure as the PKCE enhanced code flow uses a secret called the Code Verifier that the Authorization server can verify.
- The SPA creates a transform value of the Code Verifier called the Code Challenge.
- During the Authorization code request, the Code Challenge is sent along with the request to the Authorization Server.
- The Authorization code is then sent back to the SPA.
- The app sends a request back to the authorization server with the Authorization Code and the Code Verifier. The Authorizations server then validates the Code Verifier with the Code Challenge it got in step 2.
- If validation succeeds, an Access Token is sent back to the SPA, which can now be used to send requests to our company API.
If a hacker successfully intercepts the Authorization code during step 3, they still need the Code Verifier to exchange the code for an access token.