This is a project to analyse files to generate procmon logs,windump pcap,and extact codechunks and analyze
Instructions: [+] Put your malware file in malware folder with name a.exe [+] Install winpcap [+] Install sandboxie [+] Edit line 34 and 35 and in line 34 put your sandboxie executable path and on 35 put the path to your sandbox folder. [+] Run cmd as administrator then locate the folder where you have downloaded this repository and run or run.cmd. [+] Within some time the results will generated in analyse folder. [+] All issues are accepted in issues tab Requirements: [+] Python 3.5 or above [+] C++ redistributable 2015Note:The project is very early for production you may have many issues try to fix them and please give in pull request tab if you have time..