Pokem"AR" is a small mimic of the famous Augmented Reality game Pokemon Go. Here Geo Location is not being used and the models are not implemented in a real-time world. A 3D game object appears as Pokemon and when touched the ball, it automaticaly collides with the Game Object and the details of the Pokemon are stored and displayed through PokeAPI.
- PokeAPI.
- SceneForm.
- AR Core.
- Android SDK 7.0 (API Level 24) or later.
- Kotlin.
- MVVM Architecture.
- Retrofit2.
- OkHttp3.
- Open Android Studio IDE.
- Clone with
git clone https://github.com/Akash-Ramjyothi/PokemAR
. - Select whether to run on Android Emulator or Physical Device connected with USB.
- Run the application with
gradle assembleDebug
on command line.
- Take a look at the Existing Issues or create your own Issues!
- Wait for the Issue to be assigned to you after which you can start working on it.
- Fork the Repo and create a Branch for any Issue that you are working upon.
- Create a Pull Request which will be promptly reviewed and suggestions would be added to improve it.
- Add Screenshots to help me know what this Code is all about.