Configures a Linux server to use sssd and LDAP for system authentication.
Tested on EL6, EL7, Gentoo, Arch and Ubuntu
- CI testing of EL7 and Ubuntu.
copy templates/sssd-example.conf.j2 to templates/sssd.conf.j2 and modify it
- sssd.conf.j2 is ignored from git
- Certificate needs to be from TERENA (so probably others or TERENA3 does not work)
- This should be configurable. PRs are welcome.
By default nothing is done by this role because:
sssd_configure: False
Set it to True to configure sssd.
- defaults/main.yml and vars/main.yml
- templates/sssd-example.conf.j2
- templates/sssd.conf.gentoo.j2 (also for Ubuntu & Arch)
ldap_password: "ldap_bind_password"
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: ansible-role-sssd, sssd_configure=True }
Originally written by Marco Passerini . Moved into public Github by Johan Guldmyr @ CSC