"Brain Games" is a set of five console games based on popular mobile apps for brain training. Each game asks questions that need to be answered. After three correct answers, the game is considered to be completed. Incorrect results end the game and return it again.
If you have a brain and your computer can load google page less than a half hour, you good to go! 😎
Min specs:
Node.js v18.12.0.
Windows 10 with WSL or macOS 10.15+ or any current linux distributive.
Just clone this baby to your machine using 'git clone <ssh/url>'. Open a 'frontend-project-44' directory, then throw 'make install' and 'npm link' in your console. Congratulations! Now you are ready to get brained.
A game in which you have to determine the parity of three random numbers.
A game in which you have to solve a simple (or not so) math problems. Problems includes addition, substraction and multiplication. Numbers and operands are chosen randomly.
Find the greatest common divisor of two given numbers.
Answer if the number is even or not. The numbers are chosen randomly.
A game in which you will be shown a series of numbers forming an arithmetic progression. A random number from this series will be replaced by two points. You must find out, what is this number.