- ORM like app in javascript
- i try to recreate an orm functionality in javascript
- mysql2
- npm
- count operation
- select using: patterns, where clause, in clause
- CRUD operations
- inner join operation
- migration operations
- Support of prepared statements.
git clone https://github.com/AlfonsoG-dev/orm-eje.git
cd ./orm-eje
npm install
npm start
- create in the
directory a file name: DbConfig with the following class
export default class DbConfig {
constructor(db_name="") {
this.db_name = db_name
normal_config() {
return {
host: "",
user: "",
password: "",
database: this.db_name
pool_config() {
return {
connectionLimit: 2,
host: 'my_ip_host',
user: 'database_user',
password: 'user_password',
database: this.db_name
- create the model for the database:
- create a folder ->
md ./src/model
- create a file with the name: "DbModel.js"
- initialize the database state for model usage
export default class User {
constructor() {
initDB() {
this.user_id_pk = 'int not null unique primary kay auto_increment'
this.nombre = 'varchar(100) not null'
this.email = 'varchar(100) not null unique'
import Operaciones from './services/Operations'
import User from "./model/DbModel.js"
import DbConfig from "./utils/DbConfig.js"
import DbConection from "./services/DbConection"
// model instance
const model = new User()
const config = new DbConfig("database name")
// instance of database connection
const cursor = new DbConection(config).normal_conection()
// database and table operations
const op = new Operaciones('consulta', 'users', cursor, model)
op.count_column(['nombre', 'rol'])
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => {throw err})
//leer nombre y email de 2 registros
op.read({options: 'nombre, email', limit:2})
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => {throw err})
//buscar por id
options: ["nombre", "email"],
where: {
id: 1
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => {throw err})
//buscar entre varios valores
op.findIn("nombre", ['alfonso', 'test', 'admin'])
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => {throw err})
//buscar por patron para varias columnas
op.findPattern("admin", ['nombre', 'rol'])
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => {throw err})
// busca valor max and min
const condition = {
nombre: "alfonso"
const options = {
min: ["password"],
max: ["create_at"]
op.find_min_max(condition, options, "and")
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => { throw err })
//modelo del usuario
const u = {
nombre: 'test',
email: 'test@test1',
password: 'test',
rol: 'test'
// registrar usuario
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => {throw err})
const modificar = {
nombre: 'test',//para la condición no para actualizar
email: 'test@admin',//para actualizar desde aqui
password: 'test123',
rol: 'test1'
//actualizar por nombre
then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => {throw err})
//eliminar por id
id: 2
}).then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => {throw err})
class Cuentas {
cuenta_id_pk = 'int not null unique'
nombre = ''
email = ''
user_id_fk = ''
op.innerJoin({local_op: ["id_pk", "nombre"], ref_op: ["nombre, email"]}, new Cuentas(), 'cuentas', 'consulta')
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => {throw Error(err)})
- Using prepared statements
import Operaciones from './services/Operations'
import User from "./model/DbModel.js"
import DbConfig from "./utils/DbConfig.js"
import DbConection from "./services/DbConection"
// model instance
const model = new User()
const config = new DbConfig("database name")
// instance of database connection
const cursor = new DbConection(config).normal_conection()
// database and table operations
const op = new Operaciones('consulta', 'users', cursor, model)
// selecting all columns with pagination
{name: "testing", rol: "worker"},
"and", 10, 0
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((er) => console.error(er))
// select by columns
['name', 'email', 'rol'],
{name: "testing", rol: "tester"}, "or"
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((er) => console.error(er))
// insert
new User("testing", "testing@gmail.com", "asdf", "worker")
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((er) => console.error(er))
// update
{name: "testing", rol: "tester"},
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((er) => console.error(er))
- migrations are make base on the database table model
- you can make changes in the model and later run the migrations to update the database table fields
const operations = require('./services/Operations')
const conn = require('./services/DbConection')
const User = require('./model/DbModel')
// instances
const model = new User()
const op = new operations('db_name', 'tb_name', conn.normal_conection(), model)
// make migrations
.then((res) => {return res})
- create database
- create table base on javascript classes as models
- add, rename, delete, modify columns
- dynamic loading of migrations
- when you declara a FK use the following style:
- when you declare a PK use the following style:
- the relations in the models looks like:
class Cuenta{
user_id_fk = '' // foreign key
class User{
id_pk = '' // promary key
const foreignModel = new User()
const primaryModel = new Cuenta()
const userOP = new operations(database, table, conexión, foreignModel)
const cuentaOP = new opreations(database, table, conexion, primaryModel)
userOP.make_migrations(new Cuenta(), "cuenta_table_name")
.then((res) => { return res })
.cathc((err) => { throw err })
- this project is for educational purposes.
- security issues are not taken into account.
- Use it at your own risk.