Install node.js
npm i -g leaf-connect-cli
# Then use the "leaf-connect-cli" to run it
Without installation - npx
npx leaf-connect-cli
Command | Description |
status | Retrive status |
cachedStatus | Retrieve cached status |
climateControlStatus | Retrive climate control status |
climateControlTurnOn | Turn on climate control |
climateControlTurnOff | Turn off climate control |
chargingStart | Start charging |
history | Get history |
Option | Description |
-v, --verbose | Verbose logging |
-h, --help | Display help |
-u, --username | Your username |
-p, --password | Your password |
-r, --regionCode | [Required] see "region codes" |
-l, --locale | Locale to use. Default: en-US |
leaf-connect-cli status -u username -p password -r NE
Region | Code |
Europe | NE |
Canada | NCI |
Australia | NMA |
Japan | NML |
See my bash to use with i3/i3bar/i3cat
This library was inspired by Jason Horne's pywings2
Carwings library for Python.
Created with ❤ for Alheimsins