- This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App]
- This App built using React library. It fetch task from api and perform create, read, update and delete operations by making api call.
Fetch and show todo items from the api - https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos
Add a todo item, make a POST call to the above url (from where you are fetching) and save the item in react state.
(This will be a dummy request, you won’t be able to add items to the server. But the request is valid and will send you some data.)
- Update the item, make a PUT call to the above url.
(This will be a dummy request, you won’t be able to add items to the server. But the request is valid and will send you some data.)
- Delete an item, make a DELETE call to the above url.
(This will be a dummy request, you won’t be able to add items to the server. But the request is valid and will send you some data.)