paper link : Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
Diffusion models are a class of generative models that excel in image generation by transforming random noise into detailed images through a process inspired by physical diffusion. This involves a forward process where images are gradually noised, and a reverse process where a neural network learns to denoise, effectively generating images from noise.
Key points about diffusion models include:
- High-Quality Images: They produce high-resolution, realistic images.
- Versatile Applications: Useful for tasks like image synthesis, super-resolution, inpainting, and conditional generation.
- Stable Training: More stable and less prone to issues like mode collapse compared to other generative models, such as GANs.
- Computational Intensity: The iterative denoising process requires significant computational resources.
Despite their computational demands, diffusion models' ability to generate diverse and high-quality images makes them a powerful tool in the field of image generation.
- create conda enviroment
$ conda create --name myenv python=3.9 -y
- clone the project
$ git clone [link]
- install requirements please install pytorch from
#activate the conda env
$ conda activate [env_name]
# cd into root of the project
$ cd [root of the projcet ]
#then run
$ pip install .
# install the requirements
$ pip install -r requirments.txt
just changer the dataset dir path in the config.yaml file
$ python download pre-train model weight from this like and replace model_ckpt = "{weight_dir}"
$ python predicton_pipe;
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