The Patient Tracker System is a comprehensive solution for medical institutions to efficiently manage patient information, doctor details, appointments, and medical cases. It offers a user-friendly interface for doctors and staff to streamline their workflow and enhance patient care. The frontend implementation of the project can be found here: UI Github
Before running the Patient Tracker System, ensure that your system meets the following requirements:
- Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or higher
- Apache Maven for building and managing the project
- Spring Boot framework
- MySQL relational database
TODO: Update Java version
- Java:
- SpringBoot:
- Maven:
- Mysql:
Follow these steps to run the Patient Tracker System on your local machine:
git clone
cd PatientTrackerSystem
- Make sure that all the dependencies are installed with appropriate versions as mentioned above.
- script.sql in mysql environment/cli
- To clear the cache:
mvn clean
- To install the dependencies:
mvn clean install
- To run the application:
mvn spring-boot:run
- The application will be accessible on the port 8080.
- We will be using Postman to make HTTP requests to our server in order to test out our APIs.
- Curl for a sample working API:
curl --location 'localhost:8080/doctors/signup' \ --header 'UserType: doctor' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "dob": "1979-06-03", "name": "Dr. Bobert Tea", "hospital": "Downside Medical", "speciality": "Neurosurgeon", "address": "246 Tree St, Countryside", "phoneNumber": "444-507-8901", "appendedEmail": "", "password": "pass" }'
If a Java JDK is not installed or properly configured on your system, you may encounter the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:3.1.5:run (default-cli) on project PatientTrackerSystem: Process terminated with exit code: 1
Make sure that you have a JDK installed and that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is properly set.
- dto: Contains the request/response contract agreed with the frontend that the APIs must adhere to.
- jwt: Contains the various classes responsible for the session management using JWT tokenization. JwtRequestFilter filters out the request without the tokens. WebSecurityConfig contains the access control for the various APIs.
- Constants: In order to avoid the magic strings, this file contains the set of constants used across the repository.
- EmailsService: Responsible for generation of emails during the cases of scheduling/rescheduling of appointments and also for the OTP generations.
- Utils: Contains the static utility methods.
- DoctorController: Handles operations related to doctors, including retrieval, filtering, and signup functionalities.
- PatientController: Manages patient-related operations, such as patient retrieval, registration, and deletion.
- AdminController: Manages the approval process for the doctors.
- CaseController: Contains the CRUD APIs for the cases. A patient can open a new case and the doctor is responsible for closing the case. Read cases shall be invoked by both the doctor and the patient.
- AppointmentController: Contains the CRUD APIs for the appointments. A patient schedules an appointment and both can fetch the appointments.
- PasswordController: Both patient and doctor can reset their password using the password reset API and can generate the OTPs using the corresponding API.
- Appointment: Represents appointments associated with a case, patient, and doctor.
- Case: Represents a medical case, including patient and doctor information, symptoms, and prescribed medicines.
- Doctor: Represents a doctor with details like name, specialty, and approval status.
- DoctorsLogin: Manages login information specific to doctors.
- Patient: Represents a patient with details like name, address, and contact information.
- PatientsLogin: Manages login information specific to patients.
- UserLogin: Abstract class representing login information for users which shall be extended by both the DoctorsLogin and the PatientsLogin DTO.
- AppointmentRepository: Manages appointments in the database, allowing retrieval based on doctor, patient, date, and time.
- CaseRepository: Handles medical cases, providing methods for retrieval based on patient, doctor, and case ID.
- DoctorRepository: Manages doctor entities, allowing searches based on speciality, name, and address.
- DoctorSignupRepository: Manages doctor signup data, extending JpaRepository for basic CRUD operations.
- PatientRepository: Manages patient entities, allowing retrieval based on patient ID and email.
- PatientSignupRepository: Manages patient signup data, extending JpaRepository for basic CRUD operations.
- PatientTrackerSystemApplication: Main class for running the Patient Tracker System Spring Boot application.