In the 3- list problem you will be provided with a list of length 3 times of a positive integer. You have to create triplets from the elements of that list in such a way that the sum of the middle elements is the largest but the first element is smaller than the second and the third element is larger than the second.
Consider the following list of integers.
list_3n = [2, 3, 10, 7, 5, 3]
The above list is of length 6. Thus we would be able to create a list of 2 triplets, and the correct result should be:
[(2, 7, 10), (3, 3, 5)]
[(3, 10, 7), (2, 5, 3)] is not a correct result.
Step 1: First sort the input list in ascending order
list_3n_sorted = list_3n.sort()
Step 2: Get the following 3 elements from the sorted list:
- First element from the sorted list
- Second last element from the sorted list
- Last element from the sorted list
Step 3: Slice the sorted list leaving the above 3 elements out.
list_3n_sorted = list_3n_sorted[1:-2]
Step 4: Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 until the length of list_3n_sorted
becomes 0, then break the while loop.