A standalone version of the blurplefier part of the Blurplefier bot (from Project Blurple), in order to more easily convert an image to its blurple variant.
Python 3.8+ is required. It's possible to make a fork that supports a Python version lower than that, but I won't support it.
This package currently isn't under PyPI because I'm not sure how comfortable I am with doing that, especially with this not being fully my code. There is still a way of installing this, however; simply do:
pip install -U git+https://github.com/Astrea49/blurplefier-standalone.git
import blurplefier
with open("input.png", "rb") as input_file:
input_bytes = input_file.read()
extension, blurplefied_bytes = blurplefier.convert_image(
input_bytes, blurplefier.Methods.CLASSIC
with open(f"blurplefied_file.{extension}", "wb") as blurplefied_file:
Because I like the Burplefier bot and think its conversion tool is really neat. I believe it'll be of great help with my Blurplefied Resource Pack for Minecraft, as I've previously had to use this really obscure program that has been removed from GitHub a while back.
Why not make your own solution from scratch, then?
Because I don't want to re-invent the wheel. Simple as that.
Isn't this stealing their code?
Guess you could say it is, but I'm not trying to say this is my own work. Just a modification of theirs. Plus, it's under the MIT license, I can technically do this just fine.