ReactJs, Sass, Firebase and YouTube API
Fully Responsive
- react - Used as UI Library.
- redux - Used for the state management in the app.
- firebase - Used for the deployment.
- react-router-rom - Used as a routing library.
- material-ui - Used as icon library.
- axios - Used as Fetching library.
- numeral - Used for the easy number conversions.
- moment - Used for the time-ago functionality.
- react-loading-skeleton - Used as loading components.
- react-lazy-load-image-component - Used for the Lazy load images.
Many features can be added to this project as it is not absolute. You can follow the documentation for more data end-points.
I have used some end-points like fetching:
- most-popular-videos
- video details
- channel details
- channel videos
- user's subscriptions and playlists
- search query
Create a new project here and get the API key from dashboard/credential panel and paste in the axios.js in the src/utils folder.
Install all the dependencies
npm install
Paste the YouTube API_KEY in the src/utils/axios.js file
Start the development server
npm start
Generate the production build
npm run build
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for this project as your token of love does wonders.