Welcome to my pathfinding visualizer project! Access the live demo here.
This project was inspired by Clement Mihailescu's project of the same name (see his YouTube channel here) and CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python.
Search Algorithms:
- Depth-First Search
- Breadth-First Search
- Greedy Best-First Search
- A* Search
- Dijkstra's algorithm
Draw own path by clicking and dragging
Speed Adjustment:
- Slow
- Medium
- Fast
- How to provide each div (in this case, each cell in the grid) with an id containing its respective coordinate.
- How to use querySelectorAll to retrieve direct children
- Javascript arrays are objects and you can't simply use the equality operator == to understand if the content of those objects is the same. The equality operator will only test if two OBJECTS are exactly the same instance (e.g., myObjVariable==myObjVariable, works for null and undefined too).
- To check if an element contains a class, you use the contains() method of the classList property of the element. (e.g., element.classList.contains(className))
- How to convert a set into an array (Helpful link)
- Figured out how to "click then drag" on a grid to fill in the background color of the target cells. This just involves using 'mousedown' and 'mouseover'.
- How to use ternary operators
- How to use classes to keep track of a node's parents. (Learning this lesson proved to be a crucial part of finding the shortest path using the DFS algorithm.)
- The basics of Webpack (Helpful link)
- How to load CSS with Webpack (Helpful Link)
- How to deploy a bundled JavaScript project to GitHub pages (Helpful link)